Random Story Plot Ideas.

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Warning: cringe story plots.


Romance or Whatsoever ( No Violence or whatsoever )

1. Romance, not the first sight of love but it's a tsundere being owned every time [NAME] solves a drama the tsundere made ( Nah, relationships tend to get in the way of the actual plot)

2. A love triangle between the lead male, the female protagonist and a male love interest ( Not a love triangle in the traditional sense, but one that could develop into a love hexagon. One of which could be a love octagon if you're feeling adventurous )

3. A person being monitored by some kind of spirit ( period )

MAGIC, yay.

1. An underdog who is skilled at some sort of fighting art that is about to be "discovered" by the world at large. ( And that's about it really, there are many ways you can go from here, anything you want to add to this list is fine )

2. A "magical" artefact that has the power to transform into a human to blend in with the humans and is on the quest to find someone worthy and capable of using the artefact while not being greedy.

3. A dark secret that is about to be exposed either by the protagonist or a third party, next to the revelation of the artefact's nature the secret will probably be the most shocking for the reader.

4. An aspiring hero who's trying to bring honour to his family, even though he's probably not going to be aware of his surroundings. ( Although he could become the family's only hope if something dramatic happens in the near future. )

5. A "magical", albeit slightly childish, fairy that will probably be the cause of the conflict and bring the people who meet him or her a choice of something ( Not Klee ), although it will probably have a bigger part to play in the conflict, although the childish will probably remain as being a child.

FUNKY ( yes )

1. The protagonist is one of the 10 gods who rule over other stuff such as ( Fire, Water, Shadow,... ) people think being a god is hard but it's actually fun.

2. The cutesy girl who likes to become a pop star or even an artist but was stuck into learning how to be an exact replica and the definition meaning of "girly" things ( Whoever said that girls can't wear frilly dresses and have fun?)

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