BNHA Quirk Ideas.

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Took Inspo: <- Format.


I did not steal anyone's quirk, I have made these myself.

Name: Storyteller

Type: Emitter.

Ability: Can make something real by narrating, needs a book to do that.

- Cannot activate without a specific 'MAGICAL' book.

- User of this quirk can consume large narration with no sweat.

- If finishing narrating, the object/being/etc... that was summoned will slowly be gone.

Drawback(s): If using the quirk, the user cannot stop talking while narrating and cannot narrate anything too offensive ( end Earth, kill,... ) to turn real, the user can only activate the quirk with their mouth/talking.

- Cannot take a break from breathing while narrating.

- Cannot narrate anything highly offensive for the quirk to activate.

- Cannot activate the quirk without a mouth/talking.

Special Ability/ Attack: Genie

- The user can narrate such as ( bazooka, Guizhong Ballista, unicorn... ) to activate the quirk.

- Using this attack can make the user's worn out into narrating faster.
NOTE: The above was a base I got from a very more amazing than (all of my effort put into this) BHNA quirk ideas book, so I decide to make my own but bare with me. It's messy (I TOOK INSPIRATIONS FROM THE QUIRKS IN MHA TOO SO DON'T FIGHT ME WITH CANCELLING ME 🤡) also some of them looked like I found them in the dumpster truck.


-> Complex/Matrix - Emitter

The user can make computer-like (technology things), technological barriers, holograms, etc. The user can also manipulate objects with machines, such as, they can control robots to manipulate its robotic things. However, they can control only mechanical engineering technology, technology, machinery, you know. It can't control any machinery that is living, biological, organic, such as a robot that is alive, the human who controls it, etc...

-> Misdirection - Emitter

The user can use this quirk to redirect a person's movements at a given target. This technique can be used to fool a target into thinking they're moving in the wrong direction. This could be used as a counter-measure against opponents. But what's the cons? They can only manipulate one target/victim at a time and when doing so, the user's view can only be in the target's/victim's view, not seeing their own surroundings, if the target/victim gets suspicious and notices the quirk's effect, the quirk will be disabled from the target/victim.

-> Silhouette - Emitter(?)

The user can blend into shadows and move in them, the quirk will be disable if the shadow is gone, the user can boost their quirk by using their own shadow as a boost source.

-> Kaleidoscope - Emitter

The user can create seemingly astounding patterns, patterns come from various range, adapting to the user's feelings, surroundings, emotions, you name it! When the pattern is a flower-like pattern, the pattern is useful for meditation and calm something. When it's spikey, the pattern is used for your normal and energetic combat which can give the target a sudden weak sharp attack if they are standing in the circle of the pattern but too much is just too uncomfortable, and harmful. When it's messy (like the lines are not straight), that's the useless kind of patterns that only makes a mess of the target, just don't do that if you have any kind of energy... The quirk can also be used in an offensive way by being a very annoying pattern that makes one's enemy sick and hypnotized of that pattern, it's a good escape route though. Hey, name your patterns and give them their special sides too!

-> Ejection- Emitter

The user can eject himself from a target's mind, the user can make them do things unconsciously. It is similar to sleep-talking. While they're unconscious, the user can act normally and even they do anything that they normally can to the target. They can also control the target for 24 hours but they would also be considered as unconscious, unconscious means they can't remember the events after they wake up. Summary: you can control things ONLY while they are unconscious but you get unconscious too so that sucks, you can control the target and have a full view vividly, it's like you're roleplaying as their eyes and brains. They can see your dreams and thoughts while sleeping and then when the target wakes up, you will almost forget what you did to them. Imagine therapist.


> Haunt - Transformation

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