Lightside ending

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Okay... First off i wanna say:


"How? How can this boy beat Vader... Seems like Darth Vader was weak. I need that boy my apprentice... He will help me reach my goals and then i will throw him to the side." Sidious thinks to himself.

Sidious: "YESSSS...yes...dew it...kill him...he was WEAK!"

Sidious looked at the boy, who's angry face disappeared and turned into a smug grin. He deactivated his lightsaber and nodded to Vader. Darth Vader stood up and began to leave. I just stood there and stared in shock... I then got a hold of myself.

Sidious: "Where do you think YOU'RE going?" Sidious says with a poisonous voice.

Vader stops and turns around as the sound of shattered mechanical breathing fills the room.

Vader: "I'm going to see my children and beg for redemption." He says as he turns his back to Sidious and walks away.

Sidious angers and raises his hands to shoot lightning at him, but Mardus steps in front of Vader.

Sidious: "TREASON" Sidious yells as he takes 2 crimson lightsabers from his robes and ignites them.

Mardus ignites his own and Vader's lightsabers and takes a battle stance.

Sidious spins in the air towards Mardus.
Mardus blocks his attacks, but after this comes another attack and then another. Each harder to block than previous.

Sidious' attacks were incredibly fast. He seriously didn't look like he could move his body like he did. Form IV it is right now.

The fight lasted a few more minutes where Mardus couldn't get a single opening to attack. The only thing he could do was to protect himself like his life depended on it. Well it actually did.

But soon Mardus grew tired and Sidious' lightning fast and strong attacks were too much for Mardus to handle.

But Sidious didn't show any sign of fatigue at all. The more he fought, the faster and stronger he got.
The went into a lock-up.

Sidious: "I will kill you and when I'm done with you, i will personally kill Vader and his children."

He then does a quick move and with that both Mardus' lightsabers are thrown away. He then de-ignites his sabers and releases force lightning at Mardus.

Mardus screams in pain. He tries to use the force to cut out the lightning, but Sidious is too strong for that. This continues, until Mardus is just about to break.

Sidious: "Join me... This is you last chance."

Mardus: "Never." He says as Sidious releases force lightning again, but Mardus blocks it with his hands. Sidious stops channeling lightning and ignites his lightsabers again. He dashes at Mardus who now had his lightsabers again.

But it didn't matter, Mardus still wasn't fast and strong enough to defend decently. Sidious' attacks were now even more furious than before. And it wasn't long till Mardus made a mistake.

Mardus screams in pain as he falls to the ground grabbing the place where his right hand used to be.

Mardus is pulled off the ground, with the force and immediately stabbed into his abdomen with a lightsaber.

He then falls to the ground again, but just as he touched the ground, he was hit with force lightning again.

Sidious continues to torture him for 5 minutes.

Sidious: "I am surprised that such a weakling as yourself hasn't given up yet."
Sidious says as he stops channeling lightning and prepares to release it again.

Mardus: "We *grunt* We must never give up the fight... The minute we do that, we have lost."

Sidious: "You have already lost" he says as he begins to electrocute Mardus again, but senses something and ducks under a flying lightsaber. Before he could react to ignite a lightsaber to protect himself...this happens.

Mardus flies through the air and stabs his left hidden blade into Sidious' neck

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Mardus flies through the air and stabs his left hidden blade into Sidious' neck.

He then finds himself in a dark place. He sees Darth Sidious 25 feet away from him.

Sidious: "Where am i?"

Mardus: "You're dead." He says as he walks over to Sidious.

Sidious: "NO, no, NO... that's impossible."
He says as he falls, backwards to the ground gripping his throat.

Mardus: "No it isn't... Requiescat in pace...asshole" Mardus says as he leans over Sidious.  He then  wakes and is now over the dead body of Darth Sidious.

He removes the hidden blade from Sidious' throat and tries to stand up, but falls to the ground, unconscious.

*****Timeskip 5 years*****

Mardus is now seen in the Jedi temple training 4 children. Most of the temple is empty, since most of the Jedi are dead. Some younglings survived and some Jedi masters survived. They all have helped Mardus, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka rebuild the Jedi order. Altough it's really small.

Yoda is in the order, but he isn't ruling it, because the Jedi order had lost it's right course and he thinks it's better if he only passed his knowledge.

The republic is once again. The inhibitor chips have been removed from clones and everything about the
chancellor/emperor has been revealed. Galaxy didn't want to accept the truth at first, but eventually did.

Anakin died after meeting his baby children. He just died. Kinda like Padme.

Mardus... The last person he kilped was Darth Sidious

As Mardus ends the class he goes to his own quarters, where he sees twins running around, playing catch with. (That's right Organas didn't adopt Leia and Obi-Wan didn't take Luke to Tatooine)

Luke: "Uncle Mardus? How was the training today, when can i finally train to become a Jedi?" Luke says as he runs to greet Mardus.

Mardus chuckles and pats his head, with his right robotic hand.

Mardus: "Soon." He says as Luke pouts.

Leia: "Will uncle Obi-Wan visit tonight?"
Leia asks shyly. Leia was always a little shy.

Obi-Wan: "I'm right here little one" he says as he enters behind Mardus.

Ahsoka also enters, but from the bedroom quarters and holding a baby.

Ahsoka: "Hi honey... Hello Obi-Wan." She said as Mardus goes over to her, kisses her cheek and takes the baby boy from Ahsoka's hands... Named: Edward Ezio-Altair... That's a lot of assassin names.

The lightside ending

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