01|On My Way

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Harlee's perspective|

"HARLEE IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND EAT YOU WILL BE LATE", I heard a deep voice scream from downstairs. I sighed, it should be illegal to get up this early. Today was the big day, I was catching a plane from my small town, Painswick to Boston, USA to attend a boarding school. I was excited to finally be leaving this shitty family. Ever since my Mother died in Zimbabwe, I have been sent to 11 different foster homes across England. All of them have been nothing but shit. My thoughts were interrupted by my foster dad screaming again, "IM SERIOUS HARLEE GET DOWN HERE", and with that I got up and headed downstairs. 

I got down and the first person I saw was a reincarnation of the devil herself,  my foster mother. Me and her never really got along, she's always on my butt about everything. She opened her mouth after about a minute of silence, "Good Morning Hun, come eat, todays the day!", how she could be so energetic this early was astonishing. I sat down for my usual oats, I quickly finished and headed back up to get ready. 

I picked out a simple black tank top and jeans with my favourite pair of doc martins, it was really the only option I had because the rest was packed. I walked down stairs to hear, "OH MY DAYS HARLEE! you are about to go in public not to a club put some real clothes on!", you see what I meant when I said my foster mum's always onto me about something. I put on a sweater and I was out the door. In the movies, people leaving for boarding school or college are usually crying or hugging everybody within a 10 metre range of them, for me it was nothing like that. I had no friends in this entire town and I never cared to try and get any. Everybody here sucks ass. 

I called a cab and put my suit cases in the back. This boarding school better be fucking okay, if I have to room with anybody I will literally commit scooter ankle. I was not about to do that. A girl needs her space, you know. We arrived at the airport and I paid the cab and got out. 

I got my boarding pass and walked to my gate, I got a shitty seat, I was sitting in the isle seat. I really didn't think this could get any worse until I saw it. I boarded my plane and soon enough the flight started. I fell asleep, I think that was the best sleep I have ever had, well until i was *rudely* interrupted by the flight attendant offering me food. I declined, plane food was always soggy and gross and I never liked it. 

My flight ended and I stepped off the plane. In security I got some weird stares and some of the security stopped me, "for my accent". We all know it was cuz I'm black, fuck 12. I stepped out of that airport, the cool breeze stung my cheeks but it felt good to be on land again. I called a cab, and it started the route to this new school. 

West End High SchoolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang