03 | First Bell

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Harlees Perspective | unedited

"BEEP BEEP BEEP", I wacked my alarm clock hard enough that I probably broke it. I opened my ears when I heard a loud "ugh". I looked to my side to see miss rudeness aka Annie, I think her name was. "your alarm clock woke me up nerd", she spat at me. I rolled my eyes and strolled to my bathroom, stripping all my clothes off, I stepped into the steamy shower and let the hot water run down my torso. I heard yet another one of Annie's brat screams, "nerd hurry up I need to get ready!!". She was the most annoying person ever, but I didn't want her to hate me for the whole year so I screamed back, "getting out now", and with that I stepped out. I dried myself off and put on the school uniform. It wasn't terrible but the skirt was longer then my will to live so rolled it up a bit. 

I stepped out of the bathroom and Annie looked me up and down and then proceeded into the bathroom. I seriously don't know what her problem is, I don't think I have ever met somebody more entitled in my life. I rolled my eyes as I laced up these ugly ass black leather shoes. One thing I hated about England was the uniform and I was hoping to get out of it when I moved to the states  but I was wrong. Once I finished up I packed my school bag and headed to go get coffee from the school cafe. The cafe was giving very much dark academia vibes and I was living for it. "one iced chai latte please", I said to the barista. She smiled as I handed her the money for my drink and a tip. She handed me my drink and I was on my way to my first class. 

As I was slowly enjoying my chai latte I remembered what the office lady said, "no drinks other then water in class", I chugged my drink and then the bell went so I headed to my form class. We had these back in England but I didn't know that this class existed over here. I rocked up and to my luck, I see the guy I bumped into in the dining hall yesterday. Oh my gosh my luck is bad. 

I went to sit at the back of the class when the teacher said, "Harlee, welcome to our class, in my classes we have seating plans, your spot is next to Harry, Harry would you mind saying hi so she knows who you are?". Sure enough, the same guy who I bumped into in the dining hall is now next to me in my form class for the rest of the year. 

I sat beside him and he muttered, "Hey, I'm Harry", his voice was raspy and he was lowkey fine but before I started day dreaming I managed to say, I'm Harlee". Before anymore of this awkward conversation could occur the teacher started taking attendance. 

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