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.。*゚+.*.。   ⍋ ゚+..。*゚+


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.。*゚+.*.。   ⍋ ゚+..。*゚+

"Goodness, Aether! What happened to your clothes?" Lisa remarked as the blonde entered the house. "Go change and give those to me to wash, ok?" Aether smiled in response to this, and headed off to clean himself up.

Grabbing a new pair of clothes from his room, he headed to the bathroom to shower. Removing the stained shirt, Aether winced at the sensation of the small burn where the hot cocoa was spilt. Hot water stung the burnt area, but relaxed the rest of his tense body. Thoughts raced through Aether's mind, but the rhythmic thrumming of the water droplets calmed the seemingly endless stream of feelings. When things were rough at work in Inazuma, taking a hot shower in the evening always seemed to restore something within him. Although, something still irked him about today. Why did that guy react so violently when he tried to open the door to his house? Perhaps, Aether thought, he was an introvert who didn't like having company. It was a bit rude of him to intrude. There were a lot of other reasons he thought of, but he couldn't decide on just one.

The hot water started to run cold, and a shock was sent down the blonde's spine. "Must've run out of hot water..." Aether thought to himself, "maybe it's about time I get out of the shower...I have...Oh crap-! I have to go help Lumine with lunch!" His thoughts finally shifting back to reality, Aether turned off the water and dried himself off, swiftly putting on his casual wear and combing out his hair. Emerging from the bathroom, he saw that he was no longer needed. Lisa was handing out plates of spaghetti at the kitchen table. She noticed him looking, and waved him over to take a seat. "Here you are! If you want seconds just let me know!" She said, shoving a bowl of spaghetti in his face. "Thank you, Lisa!" Aether sat down beside Kaeya on a bar stool and began eating. "You're pretty cute with your hair down like that blondie~" Kaeya noted. Aether flushed and continued to eat the rest of his spaghetti in silence. "It appears you've broken him." Albedo said flatly. Lumine joined them at the table and sat across from her twin brother. "Oi, could you stop flirting with my brother, old man?" Lumine twirled her fork towards Kaeya

"Who are you calling old? That's besides the point- he's such a little whittle itty bitty cutesy wootsie blonde boy who's 5'4 ... he's basically being asked to be hit on!" Aether laughed a bit and paused his eating. "Although you are quite handsome Mr.Alberich, I'm going to have to agree with my sister on this one... you're just a bit too old for me."

"I can change your mind though~" Kaeya said, getting up from his seat. "What're you doing-" Aether stopped eating for a moment, looking behind him. Kaeya wrapped his arms around Aether in a hug, tightly squeezing his abdomen and breathing gently on his nape. The blonde let out a small dog-like yelp as the sensitive burned area was rubbed up against. Kaeya recoiled, a slight expression of shock had formed on his face. "What was that Blondie? Damn, I guess I still have my charm~" Albedo rolled his eyes, and looked over to where his wife was sitting in the living room. "Honey, please come get your weird ass uncle away from this dinner table." Sucrose arose from her spot on the couch and came to drag Kaeya away from the table.

Approaching Aether, she gestured towards his stomach. "Are you...alright...? Just now you sounded like you were in pain...I'm no doctor but- may I take a look?" He nodded in affirmation. Sucrose lifted his shirt to reveal a minor first degree burn covering a fair portion of his front torso. "How did this happen...?" Aether pulled his shirt down and picked up his fork to eat another mouthful of noodles.

"Well you see," he began, swallowing the spaghetti. "Lumine told me that Venti lived at the house down the street from hers. She saw him living there four years ago so I wanted to see if he still lived there." Aether finished the last bite of the meal and washed it down with some water. "Long story short, I don't think he lives there anymore. Some random guy answered the door instead, and wouldn't come out to take the hot cocoa from me. He was being really secretive about it too, holding the door real close to his face . I couldn't really make out what he looked like."

"And? What happened next?" Lisa asked, finally sitting down at the table.

"I tried opening the door, to try to get the hot cocoa through right? And he pushes me back REALLY hard. I ended up falling backwards with the hot cocoa spilling all over my shirt. Luckily the snow wasn't shovelled, I probably would've gotten a concussion if it wasn't there to break my fall."

Lumine slammed her hands against the table and got up from her seat, heading over to the door and grabbing her coat. "Lumine, where are you going-"

"To go teach that bozo a lesson, that's where!"

Aether ran in front of the door and blocked his sister from leaving. "Surely it was an accident! You don't need to teach anyone anything- at least not today!" Lumine, so easily thwarted by her kind hearted brother, sat down and huffed. "At least we know they aren't good neighbours." Aether held his breath and took his sister's coat from her. "Well...We can't judge....we barely know the guy, after all." Aether hung his sister's coat up on the hanger. "And besides, I was being a tad intrusive." Lumine looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Are you defending this guy, Aeth?" The blonde male changed the topic quickly "Who wants to watch a Christmas movie? Klee?" The girl looked up from her meal and nodded vigorously. "Can we blow stuff up after too?"

What a strange kid.

"S-sure..! If your parents allow it. C'mon, let's go watch House By Yourself!" House by yourself was a Christmas classic that everyone loved, especially the popular sequel, "House By Yourself: Lost in Inazuma". "Oooo! I love that movie! Save me a seat on the couch, cutie~" Lisa purred. "I-I'd also like to rewatch it.... For the 23rd time..." Sucrose managed. "Perfect! go sit down everyone! I'll make the popcorn!" Aether raced off to the kitchen to escape his sister's slight suspicion. However, something told him she knew about his feelings for the mysterious man.

They were twins after all.


Word count: 1117
a/n: I'm posting this on my school computer- AND WOAH 500+ READS Y'ALL ARE CRAZY FR 😭 thank you for all the support and for reading, chapters have been delayed because I've been grounded until February, but I'm still working on the fic! Drafts are on paper at home, so expect more chapters in February ❤️❤️❤️
Also I have an editor now! So I'm going back and editing chapters with her to make sure everything is written well. Love you all and stay hydrated <3

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