Chapter 12

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"Ok, so could," Jessi, or Miss Ho, looks at her assessment sheet, "Hwang Yeji and Choi Jisu!!" She smiles at the two girls and they get up from their science stools. "And what is your project called?" Miss Ho asks as they come to the front. "We named it 'Crazy In Love'." Yeji says as she hold up the detailed drawing of the brain she drew, and Lia looks down at the big a2 board then put it on the floor. She then tapes the a3 normal piece of paper (the crumpled, screwed-up one they taped together) to the big whiteboard, then picks up the a2 board. Yeji then grabs the big red paper mache love heart she made, but it's not perfect because she only finished it last night because let's just say Lia can be very... distracting when she's trying to work.

"Well I'll leave it to you two." Jessi winks and sits back in her spinny chair. "Ok so this is our project..." Lia begins.

(time skip to when they've finished presentating because I ain't scientific)

Everyone claps. Some people look shocked because of how smart their project was compared to theirs.

"Good job ladies! Now if you'll sit down I will just add up who won this..." Jessi says as she looks at everyone's pieces of paper. "I didn't know it was a competition!!" Yeji says. "I didn't mention?" Miss Ho smirks and walks off to continue adding up the scores.

"Well well it looks like we have a winner!! It was VERY close..." She looks in our direction and winks, then back at the paper. "BUT not close enough! The winners of this year's GCSE Science Project is..." She pauses dramatically, "Hwang Yeji and Choi Jisu with their project on Crazy In Love!!" She says and everyone claps and cheers. Well not everyone - the smarty-pants look quite sulky - but most people. Yeji and Lia stand up once more to go up to the front but this time to collect their prize.

This year's prize is a trophy, but with this year's date (2021), which Lia took proudly, a beam on her face, and a massive Galaxy chocolate bar, which Yeji took even MORE proudly, an even BIGGER beam on her face. "And of course," Jessi says, "the £100 amazon gift card everyone always wants." Yeji and Lia look at each other and smile, and have no hesitation to give the other a massive hug. This is because while before the project they were enemies, now they are... Dating.

"Congrats!" Jessi says and joins the hug. "Even if you get 25 out of 100 in the science test, even though I'm sure you smart girls will get MUCH better then that," she pulls away, "you will get an A for your science GCSEs!!" Yeji beams because she loves being the center of attention (who doesn't) and loves praise, and Lia beams because this means she'll probably get an A**, and that will get her into a good university, maybe even Oxford or Cambridge, and her parents - who are never around because they have such busy lives - would be super proud of her. By the time they sit down again the bell rings for the end of class.

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