Never Let You Go

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Chapter 2

Never let you go


She was siting ram rod straight at the table. Her face an amalgamation of anxiety, concern and fear. She was anticipating the announcement that I promised her that I would be making today in front of everyone. Little did she know about my plans! i couldn't help but imagine her reaction when I announced. Her mouth would be left hanging open for a minute or two! I smirked at my own thoughts while I saw her regarding me with suspicious eyes. No baby you have no clue what I have planned for you rather us. Since from here on its US.

Jaiprakash : so Sameer!

My naanu's voice broke my reverie and I turned to him

Sameer: yes naanu tell me

Jaiprakash: beta ab bata bhi de kya baat karni hain, waise bhi jo baat karni chahiye who toh tune ki nahi

Sameer: kaunsi baat naanu?

Sunaina: he is talking about your marriage announcement Sameer

The snake in the house purred while all others around the table giggled. Sunaina the snake, already I had a lot to take in on my plate. Vivek Somani was no help neither was my stepbrother Rohan who often sneered at me with disgust. The extended family of mamaji were more like ass kissers. And they changed sides as per the situation and given Naina's expressions today, they could feel the shift and hence they sided with the villains of the day. My mother looked a bit tensed. Am pretty sure Mr. Somani and her darling son Rohan must have said something about me and Naina that must have hit the nerve and now she shifted in her seat uncomfortably every now and then. I knew I had to make a comeback and hence I did.

Sameer: why sunaina? You seem to be the most excited for the announcement! I know I know you must be planning in your head about all the stuff that you need to buy for the wedding, to add on to your cosmetic plastic beauty so that your insta friends get jealous at your extravagance!

Sunaina glared at me while she muttered

Sunaina: charming!

Sameer: you have doubts regarding that, am the most charming

Naanu could feel the shift in ambience and he immediately tried salvaging the situation calling out to the butler for more food and even desserts but then I had to capitalize this very moment for my big announcement and I did just that. Taking the glass of champagne in my hands, I looked at Naina from across the table. She assessed me, rather she was trying to read my expressions, gauge my next move and I was ready to give her the surprise of her life but before I could do that the snake hissed yet again.

Sunaina: where did you get engaged did you say? I mean we did see the rings and also that story about you getting down on one knee proposing to the lady was all but magical but what about pictures.

Sameer: what pictures?

Sunaina: oh c'mon Sameer I mean the engagement pictures, it is such a special moment, must have been for you and Naina too,am sure you must be having pictures of the same which you are guarding from the prying eyes of the family.

She literally sneered though her plastic smile stayed as it is in place

Sameer: how charming! well am glad that you acknowledge already that you have prying eyes and also that you have the bad habit of butting into others affairs, stepping over the line is an art that is your speciality.

Her face clouded over with my words and I could feel all the spoons stall at once, the clitter clatter of the cutlery stopped and everyone stilled, their eyes rivetted on us. So I had to do something to diffuse the situation and I had just the ammunition that would shut sunaina up not only for this evening but would answer all the queries that until now she had been posing on behalf of her darling husband and cunning father in law. I could see the stares that the father son were exchanging while she kept firing away the questions.

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