Destined To Be Together

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Destined to be together

Raghav: are you serious?

Sameer: serious about what?

Raghav: this!

He gestured at me

Sameer: what? Isn't the sherwani looking nice?

Raghav: nice! Sameer you gotta be joking! I mean you and marriage, well when I take the names together they already sound poles apart! And today am I actually attending your wedding!? I mean I know it isn't the first time that a woman has caught your fancy but I guess we all know the fancy stays only till you have gone out for your first date and then the next morning they are all a history. But this buddy! This is new! Well just tell me one thing...I mean will you be honest if I ask you something?

Sameer: shoot!

Raghav: well.. did you draw a contract? I mean have you guarded your assets? See I am your lawyer but this time you didn't even let me know about it! That's crazy! You should have told me once. I could have gone through the papers once, and tell you that alls in order. But never mind, better late than never! You show it to me now. Let me have a onceover.

With that he extended his hands out in my direction, I couldn't help but smile at him and continued with what I had been doing before he came. That is getting dressed for my wedding. My bride was getting ready in the next room. To say that she didn't throw any tantrums would be an understatement. When the beauticians and the hairdresser came, incessant knocking on the door, but she didn't budge. The beauticians stood clueless, while the snake looked on with a sneer on her face while the pet husband whispered something lewd into her ears to which she laughed. I had fumed and my blood boiled but then I didn't want to make a spectacle in front of everyone. Conveniently Mr. Somani too had parked his ass on the lounge sofa while he smoked his pipe and my mother looked hassled.

Sameer: she must have overslept

Sunaina: wow! Some sleep, with this she can be competing against kumbhkaran easily given an army of people banging at the door. You need to be keeping an extra key to your bedroom or else she might lock you out someday! Good luck Sameer!

Sameer: thanks a ton sunaina for your two pence but I think I can handle without it. You wanna see? I challenged with my eyes while she challenged back jutting her chin out in defiance

I was sly enough to be diverting the attention of the villains while I simultaneously typed on my phone and while the snide to and fro was on the message had been delivered to Naina and suddenly there was a soft click and the next moment, the door opened and she stepped out in her pyjamas, hair open, eyes downcast, she murmured.

Naina: sorry I had overslept!

I could see the sigh of relief from my mother and the puzzled puckering of lips by the others. Check mate!

So my message had worked like magic on her like always. You must be wondering as to what I wrote?

Simple I wrote, "if you continue with your belligerent charade, then I wouldn't mind climbing up the pipe and going into your room through the windows and I wouldn't even wait for our first night but would break all barriers now and here! And you know am capable of that! Better come out or try me?! 10..9....8....7

Hence that was then a few hours back but now it's a different case scenario, now she got dressed all calm while I was busy tucking myself in cream sherwani and also tying the shafa. Ideally its done by the bahu of the family and she bestows her best wishes and dances too while she does it. But sunaina well she was a snake, I couldn't let her touch it since obviously she wouldn't be happy to do so, moreover instead of best wishes, she would be bestowing me with curses. But now I had some explanations to do, my best friend needed some answers.

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