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The past.....


I had started working for the handsome devil for the past 2 weeks now, I was helping him settle his own CSR venture. More like a non profit organization under the umbrella of the very empire he ran. The day I had first set foot in his office, I realized the magnanimity of his stature and that of his company too. Actually, though I had read a few times about the said Maheshwari Industries in the local newspapers but never realized that I was being hired by its very boss! I also got to know a lot of other things about him like he liked his coffee black and that he was a sucker for time. He was never late to office himself. His penchant for the musk, was another disturbing fact about him. He loved to drench himself in its scent and that somewhere was unsettling especially when he was around. He scowled more and smiled less. His employees were literally dancing on their toes whenever he was around. Infact they had a nickname for him. Am sure he wouldn't appreciate once he got a whiff as to what his employees called him behind his back. You see though the women of the office, their hearts fluttered and thudded and they swooned over their boss yet they were petrified of him. He is tough task master and if anyone faltered his words were far from kind. It was only me that he was soft to. He would usually reply back in hmss and usually agreed to all my ideas. This office when for the first time I came in, I found out was a new unit that was getting inducted recently. Rather the employees here were for the CSR venture. So the boss wouldn't waltz in everytime and hence they had settled in to an easy routine of banter mixed with work that changed recently. Recently as in since the time I started coming here, that is since last two weeks. The people here had been appalled since from the last two weeks the boss had started taking extra interest in this office of his and somewhere he was driving for this project to get launched at breakneck speed. They all eyed me with curiosity as to what or who I was? For me, coming here, was like breaking a lot of boundaries. I had never before worked in any corporate offices, though had dreams of the same. But my family rather the people from my extended family who sheltered me, were dead against me working. To them having a girl at home meant she was to be taught all the household chores and should know how to make her chappatis round. Already my taiji and tauji had started looking for prospective grooms and I somewhere had been plotting to break free. And when Sameer offered this job, it felt like I would be hitting two birds with the same stone. One I would get to spend time with him at his office and two I would be making my debut in the world of corporate, this is my chance to be self dependent and I was tempted to not let of it. And hence am here today, though once the clock strikes 4 everyday I cant stop my nervous foot from tapping against the floor constantly. Since at home, I had lied that I was giving extra tuitions to the boys at the orphanage since they have their exams round the corner. That is a different story altogether, so now coming to my new boss, like I said his employess had given him a code name and every time I think about the same I cant stop smiling. They call him the hitman as he is always shouting out orders at them, screaming when things are not done right and giving them the death stare when anyone is late. My favourite expression though is the one when he is sitting at his chair pondering over something deep in thoughts, he loved rocking in his chair while he chewed his pen and my mind would get lost seeing those lips close upon the pen lid. They would waver to places, I didn't want them. Every other employee had a cubicle to themselves but for me I sit with him in his office like now. He is at his desk chewing his pen while he is engrossed in the skyline, staring into oblivion while he rocked in his chair and me am mesmerized by him. I am the lucky girl who gets to share space with him and also gets to make him smile. Yes he smiles, he doesn't scowl at me like all others. The bitter expression that is usually pated across his features is a far cry when I am in close vicinity. He is always attentive towards all my suggestions and like I mentioned before always agrees and even smiles at the ideas and nods and appreciates. He showers compliments at me while he shoots daggers at the others. He makes my heart flutter whenever he smiles at me and those brown black orbs they make me lose myself. I know what am doing is ideally unprofessional of me, but I cant help, may be his smiles , his appreciations, his nods are merely to encourage me and also because he thinks it would help his venture in the long run but I cant stop my heart from leaping into a victory dance every time he agrees with me, I cant stop myself from expecting that may be he likes me hence he smiles at me, that may be I have already found a special corner in his heart and hence I get to share his space and that may be he is interested in me, and hence he offered this job. Why do I feel his eyes on me everytime am her in his office. As if he is running his eyes over me, taking in every inch of me. I have felt the heat and when I look up I see him engrossed in his work. So may be it is my imagination, my mind playing stupid games but then I cant stop myself from falling in love with this guy. Yes I am already in love with him. I had heard of love at first sight but never believed but now I do.

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