The Gifts

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The Gifts


I gaped at it, the vast expanse of the place and the stacks of hay that lay all around, yet it was all so neat, as if it had recently been cleaned. But what fascinated me the most were the animals that occupied the several stalls along the way. They with their shining manes looked glorious. Their coats shone like diamonds while they grunted. He had brought me the stables. But this was no ordinary stable, its grandeur spoke for itself, like I mentioned, it looked like it had recently been cleaned. Usually such places are smelly and beyond messy. But this place, looked like it was well looked after you could several stacks of hay spread all over but the stalls looked immaculate and even the vessels they were served with glinted like they were polished on a daily basis. These horses, rather stallions, they were all so different from each other yet had one thing in common, they all looked so regal. It looked like their manes and coats had recently been brushed and polished and I don't know if it was my imagination but they looked like they were all smiling at me. Different colors of grandeur peeked at me from various stalls, one looked white, while the other black, the chocolate brown one even winked in my direction. Wow they were all so beautiful. I felt two strong arms go around my middle pulling me to him.

Sameer: like it?

Naina: mesmerized is the word

I turned around to see him smiling down at me

Sameer: so finally I could surprise my wife, the cat caught your tongue it seems, any thoughts

Naina: actually am speechless, you have me this time

Sameer: having you, well I prefer the bedroom to this place, especially when you are wearing a lovely dress like this. Here it might just get a bit too messy you know for my taste.

Naina: shut up and stop teasing me, stop being so cheeky! Just tell me are you gifting me this entire stable?

He laughed

Sameer: baby its all yours true but I have brought you here for a very important tradition that has been in the family for years. You see my grandfather and his grandfather and the grandfather before that they have all followed it for years and hence now that I am married and...

Naina: wait! But you aren't a grandfather yet?

Sameer was perplexed for a minute or two until he caught the smile in her eyes!

Sameer: now whose being cheeky huh? Me?

Naina: not my fault you were talking about all the grandfathers following it hence I just thought, that may be we need to grandparents first before you fulfill this tradition of yours

Sameer: ya, we will have them too but for that we need to be proactive you know

It was naina's turn to be confused now

Naina: proactive? In what way? I didn't get you?

Sameer: proactive in being parents, and for that we have to be indulged in certain activities and am sure the entire process from being a parent to being grandparents would be expedited

Naina: Sameer! Besharam!

Sameer: really? Who started it ?

Naina: Sameer please, stop pulling my leg, may I know as to what this coveted tradition is all about?

Sameer: well, that's more like my sweet wife, so, it has been there, I mean this tradition in the family since ages. So difficult to trace back its timeline but whats special about it that the new bride gets to have her own stallion and she chooses a unique name for the same with the first letter of her own, so ready?

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