Cuddling headcanons - Part 1

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Will often have both of you spooning. He will be open to being little or big spoon but prefers big spoon. You two don't get to cuddle too often so it's a pretty intimate act, and you do it whenever you get the chance to and you both feel like it.
Like Kaeya you don't often get the chance to cuddle so when you do get to it's really calming and nice. He'll usually have you lay on his stomach and when spooning he will usually lean a lot towards big spoon.
He will have you both facing eachother and sort of hugging eachother if that makes sense? Once again he can't cuddle with you very often so its a good moment and stuff. He'll plant kisses on your cheek and forehead.
Doesn't admit it very often but really likes cuddling. Like a lot. He likes any way of cuddling he just honestly wants to be near you.
Really likes cuddling like Xiao, just almost as much as him. He likes being the big spoon because it makes him feel like hes protecting someone and he likes that.

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