Ajax x reader angst

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Tw: major character death, executions

I could feel my heart racing and my footsteps ringing through my ears. My eyesight was blurry and all I could think was "run".
The thumps from behind me, that are getting increasingly close, seemed to cut straight to my heart. I felt like I could crumble to the ground from the immense amount of exhaustion and panic.
"Hah... [Name]!" called a voice from behind me. Ajax's voice.
I tried to respond but all that came out was a grunt.
"Go... without me!" he yelled out before a pair of thumps seemed to entirely stop. I skidded to a stop and sharply turned around to be greeted by Ajax standing with his arms high above his head, with soldiers surrounding him, seemingly ready to kill him right then and there.
"Ajax!" I cried in a raspy voice, between heavy, desperate breaths. I wanted to dash over to him. To just protect him. To keep him safe. But I couldn't. I had to sit and watch as the knights surrounded him and tue his arms behind his back.
Tears pushed out of my eyes. I wanted to run but I was frozen in place. "How could two harbingers have to go in a way like this" I thought, tears now streaming down my once dry face.
The knights now cornered me. All I could do was surrender myself to them. There was no point anymore. "I deserve whatever comes to me."
Standing in front of me was the acting grandmaster herself, with her blade pointed straight at my neck. "If you do anything funny I will have you dead right here" she voiced, a very stern hint to her voice, that I couldn't help but smile at. She used to be so kind yet stern with me when I was young, so it's nice to here her serious tone again. It's sort of nostalgic.
I could feel the rough rope rub against my skin as I awoke from my light slumber, that was filled with terrible dreams, of everything I didn't want to see.
The room I was in was dark, not quite pitch black, since I could very well make out what I was looking at, but it was enough to aggravatingly strain my eyes and make it so that I can't focus my gaze on a single object.
I could tell that Ajax was next to me, although I didn't want to wake him. Thoughts of what would happen to us rushed into my head and fear forced it's way into me.
A sudden burst of light entered the once dim room and i instinctively attempted to cover my fave with my hand. The Acting Grandmaster stood in the doorframe with a slight scowl visible on their face.
"Ah, hello Master Jean" I said hoping to annoy her in some way, but I got no reaction except for a nod in greeting.
"Could you please wake your friend," she demanded despite a polite and gentle tone that threw me off. I obliged and used my foot to shake Ajax awake.
Ajax slowly arose and looked around, evidently bewildered. I could see his eyes puffy, and his face slightly wet. "I wonder what he was dreaming about" I wondered and I let my gaze drift back to Jean after sending Ajax a concerned look.
"This doesn't happen often , but due to majority vote, the knights of favonius have come to conclusion that we must have you two executed. We may change our mind but that is how it is at the current time. The date is not scheduled yet, so you both will be staying here for now. We may let your arms free if you don't do anything," she explained keeping a straight face the whole time they were speaking. I could almost see Ajax's eyes widen at the news as I bowed my head down in a form of respect, or rather understanding.
I slightly turned to Ajax as the door to the lonely room creaked shut. I could see tears prickling at the corner of his eyes.
"Hey, are you okay" I asked attempting to solace him but not knowing how. He said nothing in response and just closed his eyes and took a deep breath in.
"So, do you want to talk about whats going on, or..." I trailed off hardly able to make words make sense. Everything felt like a dream. It felt fake to me.
" No, I just, I just want to get out of here" he said visibly struggling to keep his composure. I modded in response and looked to the door.
    "We can try"
    The next few days were bleak and dreary. Jean came back and told us when our execution date was. Tomorrow. We both yearned to back to our ild lives where we could do what we wanted to do. We knew that we couldn't.
    Time passes by very slowly when you're waiting. You try to count. You try to hope for a minute to pass swiftly. It only makes it slower even.
    Despite us both wanting to, we didn't talk at all. Probably in fear of being heard. There was no reason for us to be afraid, but we still were despite of that. By this time they let us move around and use our hands again. We sat close to each other, even in the maddening silence.
    Jean finally returned. Both our faces were sticky from tears.
    She lead us out of the grim room and into a larger room. The light was blinding and I could pick out the faces of previous acquaintances from my past. Some were talking, some were sitting, although my mind made it seem like they were laughing. Not a single one had any pity in their eyes, although I knew we deserved none. I didn't even want any of it.
     My legs were shaking and I couldn't walk in a straight line. My mind wandered to the many painful ways they could end my life. My faze drifted to a table in the front of the room. It seemed to have a needle.
    I was actually kind of surprised. I didn't think that they would do something humane for an execution, considering what we've done. Oh well I suppose.
    Jean led me alone to the front of the room over near the table and seemed to be giving a speech of sorts. I didn't listen, so when she gestured me over she had to force me back into reality.
    She wanted to me walk over to the table, so I did just that. I could feel the agonizing stares of the people I once would have short and sweet conversations with. I stared back. I was too scared to look at Ajax. I didn't want to make this worse for him. I couldn't help it though. I had to look. And I did. His gaze was clouded with trepidation. Tears were relentlessly pouring out of his eyes and his face was a soft pink.
    I lightly smiled and was shocked from the anticipated prick of the needle in my vein. I could practically feel the rush of the venom of sorts in my body. I instantly had to grip onto the wooden table to keep my balance.
    I could see large movements around me but couldn't hear them. I looked up to see Ajax rushing to me side. He held me in my arms, tears dripping onto my stained shirt.
    I have him a weal smile and let my breathing steady. My eyes desperately tried to force their way shut but I needed them open. I had to see him as I left.
    "Maybe it will work out in another life..." i muttered eyelids finally closing as I felt my final breath leave my body.
     This is one of the longest oneshots I've written so I hope it's good :)

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