Nefaria's Story

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6-8 Weeks Old

She swung gently in a rocking chair as a babe rested gently in her arms. She had been told stories of how new born babies were never silent, that the crying never stopped. Well there was her little Nefaria sleeping peacefully in her arms. 

Sarai's baby was the pinnacle of perfection, her skin was as pale as freshly fallen snow, light brown tufts were just starting to grow and Sarai could get lost in eyes much like her own, spring green eyes dusted in a coat of ice. 

The baby was like a rare magical flower that bloomed only when spring and winter were together, a Xadian flower, a Nefaria. A flower that was said to make the trees and plants sing with the wind, conducting the symphony of nature and was a symbol of hope. 


It was the perfect name. 

Nefaria sniffled and groans and she shuffled in her mother's arms as she gently awoke. As Nefaria's eyes fluttered awake, Sarai noticed that her eyes didn't focus on her face, they darted side to side as if they were looking for something. Nefaria whimpered and was about to cry. "Shhhhhhh, here I am," Sarai soothed and found that Nefaria quietened right away. Sarai gave Nefaria a finger to hold and it was immediately grasped. 

Something was not right, Sarai knew it. There was a feeling in the pit of her stomach that told her that Nefaria needed to see a doctor. 

Blind. She's completely blind. Was the answer Sarai was given. She felt tears well in her eyes, tears not for her but for Nefaria who would never see the sun, stars or moons. She didn't want her daughter to live in darkness. 

It became more obvious in the following weeks that Nefaria was blind as she only made a fuss when she couldn't see or hear her mother. It was hard to get her to sleep because as soon as Sarai laid Nefaria on her bed the baby would cry. 

Although a music box sent Nefaria right to sleep. 


2 Years Old

Nefaria was definitely quiet for a toddler, toddling around like all toddlers do and only getting emotional when her music box wasn't on. 

Sarai sat on the ground next to her sister, Amaya as Nefaria played with a toy rabbit on the ground as the music box played in the background. Sarai felt sorry for Nefaria and Amaya, it was like the two had met but would never meet because Nefaria was blind and Amaya was deaf but they could still feel each other there but that wasn't what Sarai needed to talk to her sister about.

I'm worried Amaya, Nefaria get's tried quickly, out of breath. She has really pale skin and her lips turn blue

Sarai signed to her silent sister. 

I'm no medical expert, you better take her to the doctor 

With a little tap, Nefaria had walked into the side of Amaya. She smiled at her niece and ruffled the toddlers string like hair. The toddler then tapped at her Aunt's arms until she found Amaya's face and felt around. Nefaria stumbled forward and Amaya cuddled her to her chest in a weird one armed hug still not used to being around someone so fragile. 

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