Clash of Steel

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Claudia was now watching, Callum wanted to prove that he was good enough at swords craft to beat Soren.  He had already been knocked down once, "Hey, uh, can we try again? I think I can do it now," Callum said.

Soren advanced easily with one armed jabs with his training blades forcing Callum backwards. Callum had seen this before, he could slightly remember the days when his mother and sister used to spar and remember a trick Nefaria used to use.

With a yell Callum spun around with his sword and aimed at Soren's feet yet Soren didn't even flinch as he stepped on the tip of Callum's blade. Callum's eye widened in surprise as he tried pulling his sword out from under Soren's weight.

"What was that?" Soren asked.

"I don't know. Uh , I was trying to sweep the leg," Callum said awkwardly.

"That's not a thing in sword fighting," Soren answered him as he looked over his shoulder to see his sister reading a book and caught on to Callum's real motives.

"Oh," Soren chuckled, "I see what's going on here." Callum fell backwards on his bottom as Soren let his foot off his wooden sword. "Don't worry I'll help, just put in a good word to Nef okay. You come at me this time," he whispered.

Callum smiled as he ran at Soren with a battle cry, Soren went much easier on Callum and when in the right position, Callum 'stabbed' Soren.

"Oh." Soren grunted. "I am stabbed by the stab-prince," Soren said dramatically as he fell to the floor.  "Lord stabbington! Why? Spurt! Spurt!"

"Nice work Callum," Claudie chuckled, "he deserves it," and she went back to reading her book.

"And here I thought I would be putting Soren on his ass, I come out to find my little brother beat me to it," Nefaria grinned. Soren instantly stood up and grinned charmingly as he dusted himself off.

"Nefaria," Callum said happily as he ran over to his sister. She chuckled, "did you save some for me?" she asked him playfully.

"I uh, let him win," Soren said but he was star struck, Nefaria was flawless, he straightened up his hair to look presentable for her.

Nefaria patted Callum's arm as she felt for a clip along the hem of her dress, with a click of the pin, the skit of the dree fell away to reveal a pair of brown leather pants, where her red shirt was tucked in. She twirled her staff as she stood if front of Soren.

She took sensual notice of her surroundings, Callum was to her left, Soren was six paces away and Claudia was away behind Soren. It was all she needed to know. "You can stop preening yourself Soren, you could be wearing a clown costume and I wouldn't know," Nefaria sighed as Soren awkwardly chuckled and grasped his sword.

"Are you sure you want to do this your highness?" he asked, he never went easy on her but he felt embarrassed every time she bested him and Nefaria had never been defeated.

"Why? Scared I'm going to damage your pride," she said confidently as the two circled each other. Nefaria stepped lightly so her feet could feel the taps of Soren's feet. She could hear his steady breathing and the slight shake of his armour.

"Whooo! Go Nef!" Callum cheered and Nefaria grinned.x

Soren lunged, Nefaria envisioned how the sword would crash down in a few seconds and twisted backwards, nimbly dodging each stroke of Soren's sword.

It's like a dance, I want you to think of it as a dance

He mother's words rang clearly in her head as she advanced on Soren. Her movements were quick and precise that Soren couldn't keep up and Nefaria swung her staff and knocked Soren's legs out from under him. She placed the end of her staff on his chest. "I believe that is 0-30," she grinned as she held out a hand to help Soren up.

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