Regent of Katolis

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Kaden remained hidden in the shadows as Nefaria navigated her way through the castle flawlessly. "People of Katolis, King Harrow's death has wounded us greatly," Virens voice echoed. It made Nefaria hurry, he would inspire unease and a false sense of justice in the people with his snake-like tongue. "But the loss of his sons, our princes is a greater injustice by taking the heirs to the throne, our enemies sought to leave us without a leader." More lies.

Nefaria had been pondering her thoughts, through the grief and the anger that had torn her up for years and still leaves its mark, she realized that they were nothing but children, resulting in violence instead of acting like sensible adults. Her young brothers had more sense than her and many leaders combined, they had started a domino effect and it was already affecting Nefaria.

"It would disgrace Harrow's memory to allow the kingdom he loved to be lost in darkness. Though it is a heavy burden, I will humble take up the battle in Harrow's name-

"And condemn Katolis to further violence," Nefaria's voice rang loud and clear silencing Viren. Her staff lightly tapped the ground as she stood at Viren's side, a fair distance apart. She rolled her shoulders back and held her head high.

"I will become Lord protector of the realm," he declared, challenging Nefaria and openly displaying his intent. She heard chatter of the people, it was obvious that they were unsure of the decision.

Nefaria grinned, "your notion is justified Lord Viren but the late King Harrow has willed that I become the regent of Katolis and protector of the realm." She could feel Viren's eyes on her, she had upset his plans

"It is true!" the priestess spoke up holding a scroll maintaining King Harrow's final commands, "King Harrow has left the responsibility of ruling Katolis to Nefaria until Ezran comes of age."

"Your brothers have passed along with your father, you are of no blood relation to the crown." He spat at her, "this sick girl cannot rule Katolis, her physical frailty cannot be the pillar of strength our Kingdom needs in this dark time."

A horn sounded and the rapid trotting of hooves resonated. "The princes are alive!" Gren's voice rang out, undoubtedly instructed by Nefaria's Aunt. 

"Then it is settled, I will take up my father's mantle," Nefaria declared and the crown was placed gently on her forehead. "It is until Prince Ezran comes of age that I humbly present myself to the people as Lady Nefaria, Regent of Katolis, Protector of the realm and servant of the people. It is with heavy hearts we rest tonight but enjoy the company of your loved ones." Nefaria turned away from the crown.


"Save it Viren," she snapped, "you will have the chance to challenge the crown in the morning, although you will find it challenging as the last will of the King is taken rather seriously around here," she said firmly as she walked inside, the guards closed the doors as she entered. She moved faster as she made it inside, she hid around the corner and coughed violently into her sleeve. She had been holding it in since the speech began and was surprised that she lasted that long.

She walked back to her room and removed the crown from her head, "phase one- stop Viren from acquiring the throne was a success," she spoke to the dark.

"Your human politics is strange," Kaden complained as he appeared from the shadows. "Most kingdoms in Xadia resolve it with a fight to the death."

Nefaria rolled her eyes as she leaned her staff against the wall near her bed, she gently sat upon her mattress and coughed into her sleeve. Her rattling coughs made her body shake as she forced her lungs to in-take and exhale air through the coughing fit. She clutched her chest, she could feel it burning as she gasped for air. She slid open her bedside draw and felt around for a small container, when her fingers grasped the cool cylinder shape she opened it and took a sip of its contents. She raised her hand up to silence the elf and pulled herself under the covers.

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