Snake Bite

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"Presenting Prince Kasef of Neolandia," the guard introduced as the Prince strutted into the throne room.

Nefaria held her head high, "Prince Kasef what can I do for you?" She asked as she nodded her head in respect for the Prince.

"I was hoping that we may have some privacy?" He asked.

"Leave us." Nefaria ordered and all guards and courtesans in the room left. "Now tell me why you've bothered to travel a great distance?"

Kasef sauntered to Nefaria's throne and kissed her hand, slowly, lingering more than usual. Nefaria could sense something was off, he took her hand and yanked her out of her seat. She stumbled into his chest but pushed him away but didn't let go of her hands. "You're by far the most beautiful woman in the 5 kingdoms, marry me and you can be greater," he whispered in her ear.

Any respect Nefaria had for the immature Prince was thrown out the door. "That is not for you to decide, my answer is no, show yourself to the door," she snapped.

He grabbed her thigh, his hand was smacked away as he kept trying to impose on her. "You have no choice, you cannot rule Katolis forever."

"I am not in it for the power, it was my fathers last wish for my to look after Katolis and I will continue to do as he asked, leave or I will have you thrown out," Nefaria snapped.

He grabbed her again. Nefaria had enough. "I am not some little Princess you can toy with," she snarled as she grabbed and twisted his wrist and threw him down the stairs.

"My father will hear about this," he hissed as he picked himself up.

"Good then he shall like to hear of the little respect you have for the monarchy of another kingdom," Nefaria's voice boomed as she snapped her fingers and three maids stood by her side, they were hidden behind a throne.

"Guards, toss Prince Kasef out," she ordered and they nodded in reply as they grabbed the Prince's arm.

The door slammed closed. Nefaria pinched the bridge of her nose as she sat back down. The egos of most princes were untamed, entitled and disrespectful. She couldn't stand their presence for more than a minute.

Nefaria was then handed a letter. As it was read out to her it's contents shook her to the core. To others it was an ordinary letter but under the words was a threat. Viren was coming for the throne. "Dismissed," Nefaria ordered the maids. She heard a small thump as Kaden landed beside you.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I can handle egotistical jerks but power hungry mages is another issue," Nefaria sighed as she held her head in her hands.

"Tonight?" Kaden asked and Nefaria nodded. It was sickening knowing that the last few hours could be the last. Nefaria began counting her breaths wondering how many she would draw before it was the end.  Nefaria slumped in the throne.

Kaden softened. It happened every now and then. Nefaria's strength vanished and her frailty shone through. He realised that she let everyone perceive her as strong and they never saw how tired she actually was. Kaden didn't know what but he hugged her it was awkward, the awkwardness hung in the air.

"What are you doing?" Nefaria asked as she let the elf hug her.

"I may hate humans but I can tell when someone has had enough," he replied as he let go, "you deserve better."

"I can only deal with the cards I have been dealt with, but I am so tired," she choked tried to hold back a sob as tears welled in her eyes. The stress of the past few days was finally coming out as the tears flowed from her eyes.

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