The Coiling Snake

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Kaden scowled. The damn human he was forced to keep alive had finally gone to sleep after sitting up for hours and writing stuff. He couldn't care what it was but was surprised that she could write given that she was blind and what not l. Being amongst humans all day was beginning to make him sick, all humans were disgusting, self-centred beings that would stab each other in the the back over trivial matters.

The sun had risen hours ago and the human still hadn't risen. He forced himself not to feel or ask his concerns on her condition, he had watched her almost collapse throughout the previous day. He also realised that he did not want to be on the wrong end of the princess' tongue. He hissed in pain as he rubbed his wrist, the binding was getting tighter and it would only come undone with the death of Prince Ezran. A maid stepped into the room, she shook the princess gently, "Princess, you have overslept," she hissed. Kaden watched on curiously as she tried to rouse Nefaria. Kaden watched as Nefaria stirred and opened her eyes. He mentally slapped himself as he felt a pang in his heart, her face look much more sunken, her dark eyes and sunken cheeks made her look like a ghost.

"Thank you Emilia, I shall be ready soon," Nefaria said in between a yawn as she stretched. It was obvious that she wanted to go back to sleep.

"Shall I bring you breakfast?" the maid offered and Nefaria shook her head. Kaden frowned it was the second meal he had seen her reject since he had started protecting her. The maid bowed and left, Kaden stepped out from the shadows.

"You should eat?" Kaden suggested.

"What's it to you?!" Nefaria scoffed as she pulled herself from bed, "what I do and the decisions I make are of no interest to you, you're here for one reason, focus on that," her fiery tongue snapped.

Kaden felt like the mage she had berated yesterday. He felt useless, almost powerless as he had no influence. There was another knock at Nefaria's door. "Hide," Nefaria hissed. Kaden shrunk into the shadows, human senses were too dull to spot him.

Soren peaked in through the door, "good morning Nef," Soren greeted cheerfully as she stepped inside and stopped at the door, "I wanted to check in and how you were doing." Kaden was not blind, he could see the longing in Soren's eyes, the same he had seen in his admirers.

"Who's asking, you or Viren?" Nefaria asked. It amazes Kaden how Nefaria could hold herself so high that she was intimidating.

"N-no I come as a friend and just wanted to check on you, you looked like you were about to faint yesterday," he said softly as he took a seat next her on her bed.

Nefaria sighed, "my apologies I woke with a splitting head ache and my temper is a bit unreasonable."

Soren took her hand in his and kissed the top of it gently, "Nefaria you are one of the strongest people I know, I think we all forget how sick you are," he lightly chuckled but he took a deep breath, "think it's time I told you..." he looked scared, Nefaria's reactions were far from predictable. "That you mean more to me than just a friend."

Nefaria stood and headed to the door and opened it. Kaden watched as Soren's eyes glazed over with only what could be described as heartache. "Soren you are a dear friend and I cannot reciprocate those feeling and I must prepare for the day, thank you for checking in on me."

Soren walked to the door defeated. He posture slumped and tears welled in his eyes. "I will always love you Nef and I will respect you decision," he said sadly as he left her room. Nefaria closed the door behind him.

"I suggest you turn around, I will be changing," she said to Kaden as she walked to her wardrobe and pulled out a dress similar to her usual fashion. Kaden turned around. He physically slapped himself as his mind envisioned her snow like skin.

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