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You stood there in shock feeling E body heat radiate on every inch of your skin, from head to toe. Your hairs stand on their ends slightly shivering. His warm breath brushes against the back of your neck as the coldness in the air dissipates "(Y/N)" E said softly, turning you around facing him.
Looking up into his red glowing eyes they slightly changed hue. E's eyes started to change from red to a pinkish hue glowing brightly
"Your eyes....," you said "they're.....changing color."
He blushes and looks away, quickly to be turned back by your hand "I-....," he sighs "my eyes change color depending how I'm feeling...right now I..."
Before he could finish you hushed his lips with one of your fingers "I can already answer that for you"
Leaning forward you brush his jagged grayish blue hair back and pucker your lips. He also follows up with your moves.
"(Y/N) I-" E said quietly....


Loud banging echoes from the front door. A voice could be heard from the other side, "Exe! Are you in there!"
E's ears perk up and run to the front door opening it excitingly. Behind the door was a good friend of his "SHADS!" E braces in for a big warm hug "ahhhh it's good to see you my old friend!"
Hearing E's excited voice interesting. Peeking around the corner you could see E hugging black and red striped hedgehog with bleeding red glowing eyes....he slightly scared you.
"Who is that....he looks....odd," you thought to yourself, he seemed off to you.
"Ahh Exe finally you've escaped from that disc! Now do tell how did you do it! I'm surprised the other viruses didn't catch you!" Shadow asked.
E chuckles "well I couldn't do it without a little help from...(her/him/them)"
You poke out waving your hand shyly "hel-hello."
"Their name is (Y/N)...they played my game and freed me," E explained.
Shadows ears flatten taking a good look at you "this mortal frees you...and you haven't killed them?!" He shouts, bring E to the side.

Sonic.exe POV:

I was pulled aside by Shadow "what's the issue?"
Seeing him angry was a bit surprising...well it's been awhile since I've seen him angry "You brought a mortal to our world! That's the issue!"
I sighed "Shads, they're trustworthy. They saved me...without them...I wouldn't be here."
Shadow growls and pulls away "I hope you know what you're doing...mortals from the outside world should never to be trusted..." he turns to the front door ready to leave "well, I'm glad you're back, we have lots of work to do, maybe your....friend could make themselves useful."
Shadow walks out the front door and closes it.
I sigh once more and looks back to see if (Y/N) was ok "you alright, dear?"
You see them nod in a bit of fear "he doesn't....seem to like me."
"Heh- He'll get use to you! He's just very skeptical of newcomers," I replied.

Sonic.exe x Reader ( EDITING EXISTING CHAPTERS )Where stories live. Discover now