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(Y/n) POV:

Still sitting in your chair, you turn off the computer, take out a disc, and place it back in its case. You set it as far away as possible having a cold chill run up your back

"That game has some bad vibes to it. I really wonder who created that game, and why would they make it". You rub your forehead and mutter: "They must be some really fucked up person...I bet."

As you sit in a chair, your eyes shift to where the disc was placed. Still in its casing—still in the same spot—hasn't moved. No, it hasn't moved. God, I sound so paranoid. Taking your eyes off the disc for a whille, you spot your phone. You grabbed it quickly and called (f/n).

It took a few minutes for them to answer, but they answered.

"Oh—Hey dude! What's up?" Said (f/n).

You put your phone on speaker, holding it with two hands "Hey...uh...I got your gift."

(f/n) sounded cheerly on the phone "Oh, you did!? Soooooo, you like the game? I didn't play it, so I thought you might like it, since you're into that kind of stuff!"

"Right, right...if you want me to be honest, it was weird but, that's not the point. The reason I called you is....







Game," you explained dramatically.

(f/n) went silent for a split second, then reconnected. "Uhhhh- It was in my attic! I don't remember buying it. It was just a random thing in my house! That's all. Hey, are you alright (y/n)?"

Suddenly, you hear something outside your window. The sound bounced above your desk. Rumbling and scratching sounds are heard outside and in the walls of your house.

"Yeah. Uh, that's all I need bro. Talk to you later." you reply quickly and hang up the phone.

The window in front of you began to rattle and shake. You become shook by the noise as you slowly creep towards it. Hastily, you moved the curtains to see what was causing the exterior commotion, and turns out it were two raccoons.

You let out a sigh of relief and open the window to yell: "Get out of here, you trash pandas!"

Sitting back in your chair, you take a few minutes to calm down. I mean- getting scared of raccoons? How ridiculous! Once you were able to relax, you removed yourself from the desk area. Walking over to your bed to lay down and forget what you witnessed on your computer screen "I guess the best idea right now is to get some sleep."

You turned off the light and covered yourself in bed, hoping you will survive the night, as if you wouldn't. Before your eyes closed, you looked at the time.

"8:50 pm." Those numbers flashed in your mind. 8:50 p....m.

~Time Skip~

It's now 4:00 AM. You're still fast asleep in the safety of your own bed. Though, you were not alone. As the night continues, you begin to wake up. You sat up from your bed and looked at the clock "4:13."

You sighed and went back to sleep, but for some reason it was not possible for you to fully fall sleep. Rolling your eyes, you stared at the ceiling until a weird shadow formed above. Your eyes widened as you slowly sat up from your position. Petrified from what you were looking at, seeing where the shadow was coming from.

"Simmer down, (y/n). It's just a hallucination. This isn't r....this isn't real..." you talk to yourself.

It's not real until a silhouette of a creature is in your chair. You are now delusional of reality. The only feature you noticed is that it's very spiky "ok....maybe I am losing it..."

Without hestitation, you lash out at the creature: "Who the fuck are you, and why are you in my room!?"

The figure slowly turned its head, showing off its glowing red eyes along with a bright smile with razor sharp teeth. That smile shined brighter than the moon. It's so alluring, yet utterly terrifying.

You screamed again holding a pillow as if it's a kind of shield "Answer me!"

The creature then gets up from the chair and limps over to you. Its smile grew larger as it got closer to my bed frame.

"Stay back! You-you monster!" You're backing up to the other side of the bed, and now cornered against a cold wall.

"...Monster?" the creature spoke and scoffed a laugh "I haven't heard that in awhile! HA!" The creature then snapped its fingers which turned on the lights. There, standing before your eyes was...

"You act like you've never seen me before. Does Sonic.exe ring a bell?" He said with a goreish smile. Blood was oozing from his maw

You are shocked by the sight. Your head is rotating back and forth at the computer and him: "How are you...No... THIS MAKES NO GODDAMN SENSE!"

The corrupted Sonic then covers your mouth before you could ask a question. "Now, now...No NeEd tO yElL....."

He smiled holding his hand across your mouth as his face began to tilt slightly, and your vision went black. You can only see his red glowing eyes. All of a sudden, your vision went back to normal. "I bet you're confused! Well, my darling, let me explain to you!"

He picked you up and threw you down in the desk chair. "You see, that disc of yours was my eternal prison. Since you completed my game, I AM FREE!"

He explained in a cheerful, yet creepy tune. "Oh- and let me tell you one last thing! Since I'm now free...." He reached towards you and grabbing onto your neck, "YoU wOn'T bE sO FrEe."

Gasping for air, you managed to punch as his face from his grasp. Sonic was knocked back into the closet, and you fell to the ground.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" you said out of breath.

Sonic then pounces out and lands right in front of you. He kneels down and looks into your paralyzed eyes as if he was looking through your soul. "You're strong, stronger than I thought you would be...heh."

Giving off a confused look, you try to swing at him again, but caught by Sonic's bloody hand "Now, now...relax...we are going to have some fun together....~"

Sonic.exe x Reader ( EDITING EXISTING CHAPTERS )Where stories live. Discover now