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(Y/n) POV:

As Sonic held onto your wrists with a tight grip, warm thick blood runs down your arm. He lets you go "LiSteN, I'm not here to cause trouble. Unless...you are?"

You immediately shook your head "First of all you're the one that came out of MY computer, entering in my own house without my permission, and proceed to almost kill me in my own bedroom. Despite you sounding very sarcastic, I think you're here to cause trouble!"

"Hmph," his crooked smile penetrates your eyes as if I'm seeing death approach me, "well how about we start off on a good note instead. First, let's introduce ourselves properly and formally."

Sonic steps back so you could have a full view of him. He fixes his quills, though they were still messed up and bloody. Again he gives me a cocky smile with his eyelids half open. You didn't like where this was going

"My name is Sonic.exe, but feel free to call me E for short. I really love to KiLl people, not only that, tasting the flash of my enemies is pretty nice. I also can do many tricks, that involves...well... since you're a mortal you wouldn't really understand. OnLy A TrUe GoD wOuLd," E chuckled as he looked at me pathetically.

You stepped back but only to hit the edge of my desk. You looked at him as he quietly approaches you "Alright now, it's your turn. Tell me about yourself mortal, or should I say darling~"

You cleared my throat and introduce yourself "My name is (y/n), and I just finished high school. I'm going off to college but now that you're here I probably won't be even alive for that."

He smirked at you with your last sentence in your introduction "Well that's just nonsense, I never said I wanted to kill you," he gave you a snarky look, as he turned into smoke flying in between your legs and then ending up at the behind you. He turns back into his corrupted demon Sonic form and whispers "UnLeSs, YoU wAntEd mE tOo?"

You quickly turn around and push him away "Listen here E, I need answers from you right now! Why are you here, how do you exist, and what do you want with me!"

"Hmmm? Those are some pretty deep questions, you know. Perhaps I could explain to you, but you'll have to listen very closely," E said readjusting himself after I forcefully push.

Giving off a great deep sign, you decide to settle down "fine" you sit at the edge of your bed, crossing my legs.

E presents himself in front of you "For your first question, why am I here. Well, you defeated my game. It's that simple, once my game is defeated I am able to exit my world and join yours."

"so you just popped out of my computer after I got through the game?" You questioned him.

He nods "It's not that easy going through a thick computer screen, I'll tell you. For your second question, how do I exist. That I really don't know. Either some corrupted person created me and placed me in a video game world to scare mortals like you, or I just magically appeared because of a pathetic virus."

"Well, you seem pretty pathetic to me," I smirked at him.

He huffed turning his back to me "For your finally question, what do I want with you. Well..."

You blink once and then he was gone, you blink again and then he was behind you "that's for you to figure out on your own, dArInG~"

Despite you really hating this guy and wanting to punch the hell out of him, the way he speaks to you. Somehow, you found the tone of his voice kinda of pleasant. You thought you were going mad and falling for someone that was completely insane. A ball of saliva goes down your throat as he wraps his arms around your rib cage. Your cheeks begin to blush and warm up. The warmth then travels up to your ears and nose, getting more red by the second. You looked down at his hands, seeing him touch every rib on the side of your chest. He soon then relaxes his hands, resting them on your thighs "You're quite an interesting Mortal."

You snapped out of your blushing state "and you're quite the pervert!"

You grabbed both of his hands pulling him over your back, and then slamming him into the floor. You stood up and look down at him as he lays on the floor. He glares at you then smiles crookedly as usual "Is this something you mortals do, kinky..~"

You blushed again and kick the top of his head "shut up!"

He chuckled as you beat and towered over him "Quite the feisty one aren't you."

He gets off the floor and turns his back to you. You noticed more blood drips down from the sides of his checks. He forms his hand into a, fist and smiles aggressively, then says "i cAn Be fEiStY t0O."

He quickly turns around and throws out his hand, forming a mystical red portal behind you. Before you can escape, he pounces onto you making you both fall into the portals abyss.

Sonic.exe x Reader ( EDITING EXISTING CHAPTERS )Where stories live. Discover now