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(Y/n) POV:

As the game loads in, you play through 3 gruesome levels... levels that you couldn't really explain.

Level one...

The first level was pretty subtle, it started off with Tails walking through Greenhill zone, but there weren't any obstacles to overcome, no enemies, no crazy loops, or any secret entrances. Just a straight walk forward that went endlessly it seemed. As I kept Tails walking forward the environment started to change. Remembering the little animals Sonic and Tails would save together from Eggmans robots. Well, I found a few dead lying on the stage floor.

Disturbing as it is I kept Tails walking forward.
After moving along on the map I reach the edge, I couldn't go any further except back. After a bit of time Sonic appears in a hunched posture with his arms raised up in the air. Sonic them began to chase Tails along with the music getting intense as Sonic get closer.

As I firmly hold the forward button, if Tails would go any faster, Sonic only got closer and closer

and closer....


He got me....

Tails falls on the video game floor and starts to cry. The level ends with a static screen. Then back to the level selection. The next level was now open.

Leaning back in my chair I thought to myself  "what the hell is this game?"

Soon I got paranoid and looked around my room to see if I was truly alone. Once I felt more comfortable, I turned back to my computer and continued on.

Level two...

This time I get to play as Knuckles, again it seems like and unless walkway but it wasn't in Green Hill zone...it was somewhere else. Continuing to move forward I stumble upon Sonic again facing towards me. I move closer to him and then he disappears.

As I continue to play I got a sudden chill down my spine. I looked around my room once more hoping that I was still alone. Evem though it felt like there was a presence nearby. I turn back to my computer once again and continued playing the level.

Continuing to move Knuckles down the stage I find Sonic again. I moved towards him and then he disappears, but this time he reappears behind me. I chase after him and he disappears, again and again!

"The hell?" You said under your breath.

You continue to chase after Sonic until he disappears for good. Now I can't move, what if he gets me? I got silent for a minute. Until Sonic appears right in front of Knuckles, Sonic stands there for a moment then lashes out at Knuckles. Blood begins to pour everywhere over the stage. Then the screen goes to static with a cheesy jump scare of a scream.

I jumped out of my chair in fright losing every inch of breath. Again I said to myself "why am I playing this weird game?"

Once I was able to collect myself, I sat back down. The screen then goes to the level selection again, with







Level three...

The last level I got to play as Eggman, with him placed in a dark room going down lots of stairs. Well...when mean a lot of stairs, I mean a bunch of stairs! I had no idea where he was going...or I mean where I'm taking him. All that I knew is that going down seem pretty bad. Soon I reached the bottom of the stairwell and there lies Sonic. He stands there still and slowly turns to Eggman. I then get this quivering feeling in my spine again. Feeling as if I'm being watched by someone.

Why am I feeling like this ?

Sonic then just stands there looking at Eggman. The only thing I could do was move forward. Slowly approaching Sonic he lashes out again killing Eggman. The screen goes to static then shows us the scenery of Tails, Knuckles, and Eggman all dead. Usually, I don't let horror games bother me too much but this one had something different, and it made me feel weird.
The screen goes black and a set of text types out for me

"yOu'rE nExT (y/n)"

"How do you know my-," Before I could finish my sentence the game closes out. I sat in my chair confused trying to wrap my head around what just happened "is that it? Is that all? Is that the game?!"

Sonic.exe x Reader ( EDITING EXISTING CHAPTERS )Where stories live. Discover now