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(Y/n) POV:

Another morning has begun...
Waking up from the cozy bed E showed you last night, you were greeted by his pleasant smile.
"Good morning!," he said smiling widely, showing off his bloody sharp teeth, "how did you sleep?"
Rubbing the top of your head then releasing a yawn you smiled back "I slept ok! So, what are your plans?"
E smirks "it's time I show you what I do in the world! Well since I created it of course ha!"
He grabs your hand and pulls you out of bed "get dressed! You're gonna love this!"
You laugh to his excitement "ok! ok! Hahah!"

Quickly getting dressed and making yourself presentable. You rush down the stairs and out the front door. Taking your first few steps out the door you look up into the sky...
"It's..." you looked up in amazement "it's beautiful..." The sky was misshapen into something unimaginable or even possible in the real world. Bits of purple and red like glowing clouds stretched across the once only red sky.
"It's like..."
E's hands come in from behind wrapping around you "do you like it?" He chuckled to himself "I made it for you..~"
"It's...it's like a nebula...," you smiled and turned around facing the demonic hedgehog "it's beautiful E."
He kissed your nose and kept the smirk-ish smiled on his face "hold on tight..~"
"E, what are you DOING!???," E had lifted you off the ground and flown up into the air, "JESUS E, THIS IS WAY TO HIGH!!"
E laughed "HA! Jesus doesn't exist here! For all that you need to know I'm the Jesus of this world! Just more scary looking..~"
"GOD DAMNIT E!" You screamed at him and covered your eyes.
The rush of the wind breezes through your hair as you both fly through the air together. You peek for a second to see where the hell he was taking you
"You can look now..~" E said softly in your ear.
You removed your hands, now even closer to the beautiful sky "holy..." you reach your hand up touching the glowing clouds "alright....alright, you've impressed me..~"
You both stared at each other for a moment. Seeing E's eyes turn back the pink-ish color glowing softly.
E winks at you and lowers himself to the ground "here we are," E had landed in dead waste land. The grass was yellowed out or even torn out of the ground.Bugs scrambled out of their groups and duh underneath the dirt, a pack of deer with multiple eyes and shadows fanged teeth screamed and ran away, along with small fish with human like teeth hide under the rocks of the small pond near by, everything hid from E's presents...he was truly a god of this world....everything feared him
"What is this place? It looks so...dead" You asked.
E set you down and pointed ahead "there" he points to a set of tall rocks with ancient carving all over them arranged into a circle with a stone table in the middle. "this is our meeting place...let me show you"
Approaching the stoned area you looked behind one of the larges stones interesting in the carving to see "AH! SHIT...don't scare me like that!"
E smiled "ah! Shad's! You made it in time!"
"Yes...and you're late!" Shadow growled "also, what the hell is this!"
E tiled his head "issssss what? I don't see a problem?"
Shadow points to the sky "you used our MAGIC for a stupid sky scenery!? You know how hard it is to make that shit!? We spend hours and hours to make that st-
E cuts Shadow off and slaps his shoulder playfully "Oh come on Shads! It's not a big deal besides I want to give (y/n) a taste of what we can do!" E smiles holding your hand.
"Hmph, yea sure...the rest of the guys should be coming in soon...I have things to talk to you about because of your disappearance."
Shadow glares at E and walks to the other side for the curled stones facing in the opposite direction.

Sonic.exe POV:

E rolled my eyes knowing Shads was being a bit ridiculous let alone scaring his dear (y/n).
"You alright?" I whispered to (y/n)
They nodded "yea! I'm ok just...a bit scared is all ha...he doesn't seem very happy with you..."
I looked at them worried "don't worry about it let me handle it," I gives her a kiss on the cheek stay here, I'll be right back."
Leaving (Y/n) at the stone meeting area, I walk up to Shads who had walked away "hey! What is your deal Shads? You've been acting...weird"
Shads rolls his eyes "weird? I'm the one acting weird now? Come on E this is stupid and you know it!"
"Stupid?" E growls "Without that 'mortal' I would of been gone or even worse! Dead!"
Shadow laughs "HA! Dead!? Seriously? You're a fucking spawn of Satan of this god forsaken world! You can create anything, do anything, kill anything, and your main focus is a MORTAL? Shall I remind you what rule you made?"
"Don't use my words against me Shads! I made this world...I can do whatever the hell I want here! I make the rules! Along with that, I made-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH" Both E and Shadow pause only to see a creepy version of Amy with her eyes stitched shut "Will you two stop your bitching UGH...also, Welcome back E but seriously! Shut your damn mouths! We have work to do please and thank you!"

Shadow growls and grabs E's throat pulling him close "this conversation is NOT over!"
He pushes him back and walks with Amy back to the center of the stone.

Sonic.exe x Reader ( EDITING EXISTING CHAPTERS )Where stories live. Discover now