| 5 | ( editing )

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(Y/n) POV:

It gotten quiet after you jumped into the portal, until you felt the rush of air hitting your back. You opened your eyes to see you held tightly into E'a arms as you fall endlessly.
"Ahhh there you are! I thought you died for a second!" E smiled gracefully, as you both continue to fall.
You slapped him "Died? I'm gonna be dead in a few seconds once we hit the ground!"
You looked down to see the ground slowly come into view. It gotten closer and closer and...
The rushing air stopped, you were on the ground held my E in a bride like position.
He smiled at you "Did you die yet?"
Getting out of his arms I looked around, the sky was red and so where the clouds. There was also a dark forest in front of us as well, looked pretty dangerous.
"Welcome to my home" E said.
You looked at him "Your home! We're in your world!"
E nodded "That's right princess! In my world there is no rules, no parents, no school, no laws! You can do whatever you please here even if that considers murder!"
I gulped as he gave me an insane look "let me show you around!"
E grabbed my hand and pulled you towards the pitch black forest. I tried to back away along with trying to release myself from his grip but he was to strong "E, this forest looks very dangerous"
"Everything in this world dangerous but don't worry! If I'm around, no one will hurt you!" He replied with a smile.
You looked at him if he was crazy, well, he is crazy.
As you both walked farther into the forest you looked back to see the light from the entrance fade away. With E still holding your had you both came to a stop, "we're here," he said letting your hand go. You quickly flinched away and spotted a beautiful house surrounded by the trees, along with a little pond by the side of the house. Confusing as it may look you questioned why such a horrific creature would have such a beautiful home. Both of you walk towards the house, you spot it every little detail leading up to it. The variety of flowers, the path of stones leading to the front door, chopped up wood, and a cozy looking porch.
"this is your home?" You asked.
E smiled "of course this is my home! Who else would it belong to?! I brought you here to share this."
"Share this with you? You literally kidnapped me out of my room, jumped into my computer and here we are now," you explained to him crossing your arms.
E shrugged "yeah I'll admit that, I did purposely kidnap you and jumped into your computer to bring you here in my world but I didn't bring you here without a purpose."
You turn around to look back at the woods to where you guys fell from trying to look for an exit to get out of this world "A purpose you say and what purpose is that?"
A few seconds went by and then you felt E's cold soft hands wrapped around behind you. He hugs you tightly and says "you freed me, i've been locked away in that disc for many years and I haven't been well here...my home. Being inside the disc was basically torture. The things you saw I did in the video game wasn't really me. It was my code I cannot destroy the code, The code makes me who I am and I cannot control it or destroy it. Most people that play the game do not finish it, and the only way to free me by finish my game and you...you finish the game. I saw how you reacted to every scene. I know it's not the most wholesome thing you've seen but you have released me from my pain. Though my code still lives inside me. I can still cope with it and change myself around..."
You listen to his words in shock, you thought the creature that was hugging you from behind was a mad psychopath but yet he was someone that wanted to break free.
"and to be honest, you just seem perfect for me. I understand if you wanna decline but I really appreciate what you've done for me. Please, stay with me." E added

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