Island of Memories - Cappuccino ✨☕️ part 2

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Memory 2

*We see now that our two cookies enter the building and heading towards the directors office, hopefully being able to get a job for the other*

"Oh gosh I'm so nervous croissant.." *Cappuccino said while walking close to croissant*

"Aw, don't worry! I'll talk to the director and reason with them about giving you the job." *She smiled and stop in front of an office door*  "Welp we're here, you wait out here while I tell the director, okay?"

*Cappuccino nodded and sat down in one of the chairs* "Okay, hopefully this will work."

"I'm sure it will." *Croissant opens the door and walks in and....
Immediately walks out again*

"Whoa that was fast-" *she got up and looked at croissant*

"Yup, they said you can work here! You'll be working with me for now, apparently. Like an assistant." *She smiles and shifted her hand out* "Welcome to the Time Balance Department! I hope you enjoy your stay! 'New assistant' ~ " *she laughed lightly*

*Cappuccino shook her hand and laughed as well* "Thanks croissant! I own ya one, so do I start working today?"

"I guess so, come on I'll show you around quickly so I can show you my timecraft!" *She grabbed the other cookies hand and walks quickly*

"Whoa!-" *She almost tripped but caught up with croissant, unaware that a certain cookie director watched them walk away with a smile on their face*

End of memory 2

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