6. One piece

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  After a few days, Shota had calmed more. He was moving more comfortably. Neither of the two had spoken to each other really. If either were honest Shota was embarrassed. He felt weak. Trying to save someone just to look good on them and then only to faint have to get help from the person he tried to save. Then after that running have to essentially have a tantrum when he didn't get his way. Nami felt bad for him. He probably never was spoken back to. Or told he was wrong.

  Nami was slowly becoming more acquainted with her new life within the mansion. That however was about to change. That night not long ago, someone else saw her. They didn't get her, but wanted her for something. They lost a few men. Nakumura's didn't. He wanted to make it a bit fairer. The girl is how he was making it fairer. She was clearly important to have her own room just next to Shota, then for Shota to protect her. He shot at Shota, but wasn't able to get the girl, so instead fled.

  The man told the family he worked for- Yamaguchi's. They too wanted her. Not necessarily to kill for fairness, but to marry off to one of there three sons - the youngest. Hijiri Yamaguchi. It wasn't necessarily for Yakuza relations. Hijiri couldn't be in it, he was too 'soft'. So instead he would be married off to live a quiet life.

  It's always at the worse times too. When she got kidnapped. She was sleeping at home. When the house was broken in: she was sleeping. Now shes sleeping guess what happens. She gets kidnapped once again.

  And there's a similar scene similar to that of the first scene of this story, but yet it's different. For her its more comfortable. She's not sat on some crappy chair. She lying down on a bed. Not a comfy one per say, but a bed. The air around her is thick with this emptiness, but yet it seems so much warmer.

  She just lays there. What else could she do. Just wait. For something. Just not to get told she's marrying someone she's never met from the Yakuza. Or maybe she will.

  "You're up. I got you food. Sorry for my manners, I'm Yamaguchi Hijiri, you're, um-"

  "Nami Aizawa. Before you speak more. Could I know why I'm here? And what you want from me?"

  He gulped. It was going to be one awkward conversation. "Well- my parents. They sort of took you. To be- well- my wife. They're in the Yakuza, Big name in the industry, but I don't know if you noticed, but I'm a major disappointment for my father at least, not so much mother, but yeah that's basically why. I'm really quite sorry on their behalf!" He rambled on.

  "Again? Gods sake, but why. First the Nakamura's and now you guys! I was fine before, Just an ordinary med student with an ordinary life and friends. Now I've been kidnapped twice in not too long, been woken up by guns and been told I'm told I'm getting married to two completely different guys. One is which doesn't have emotions or know when he's in the wrong and then you. Give me a break." Nami ranted on.

  Hijiri was stunned. She was engaged already. To Shota. The man meant to be his enemy. The relation between the family would only worsen with this. The feud would escalate to almost a war. Did his parents know? IS that why they chose her? To piss off the Nakamura's? He knew nothing now. Maybe he should help her return to him instead. He wanted a proper marriage anyways, not an arranged one. His parents would kill him for that though.

  "Nakamura's? You're engaged to Shota? My parents fucked up this time."

  "Shota doesn't care. He's probably thankful you took me. One less thing to piss him off." *  Oh, but how wrong she was. Seven am. He leaves his room to pursue daily activities of which only he would do. One brief look in her room. It was a mess. He expected that of her. Its messier than usual. Bedding was strewn all over the floor. No one was on the bed. No cocoon. No Nami. Semi- destroyed room. No Nami. One angry Yakuza boy.

  One could tell where that lead. the semi-destroyed room lost the "semi"- It was completely destroyed. An earthquake in which only touched the room seemed to have hit. The only thing that remained remotely the same was the earthquake who caused it- Shota Nakamura. One very pissed off guy.

  He storms that room then proceeds to storm the rest of the house looking for the girl. If one were to ask why, the answer would be that he needs her to then take over from his father. Of course that's what this is about, far from what his mother would hope as to why. This is Shota- why would he think anything else. "Where could the key to my success be?" that's what went through his head. Nothing else really.

  Eventually he came to realise. She wasn't there. She couldn't have escaped. Her room proved she hadn't escaped. No one knew about her being there. Right? As far as he was aware no one knew. The man who tried to fuck her was dead. He buried him himself. Shota was shot. By who? Could they have seen? Was it them? Who invaded again? Ah, yes- the Yamaguchi's. Is it there that she would be? There's only one way to find out.

Authors note:

words: 941

Okay, Hi, again. I've been inactive on this for a month? ish. I want to quickly apologise on that, but this chapter is now written, I went through mini surges for it and what are we thinking? We have a new character. Like him? Or no? Tell me what you guys think! See you next time!!


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