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Sakura stares at the adult towards them. Well...her teen self that is.

"So this is Sakura-chan in the future?"

Teen Sakura nods.

"Where's future Sasuke-kun and Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"I'm not with them."

"On a solo mission?" Sasuke asked this time. This is the first time he spoke since their encounter with Sakura's future self.

And for a moment, the Uchiha noticed a look of guilt flash in her eyes.

"You can say it like that..." the pinkette mumbled.

'Liar.' Sasuke thought.

"Why would you go on a solo mission?" Naruto inquired, and teen Sakura couldn't help but groan as the questions keep coming.

"I wanted to."

"Cut the act, are you sure you went on a solo mission? You're not even wearing our forehead protector."

Sasuke smirked at his female teammate, keen as always.

The three kids heard her sigh as they wait for her answer.

"You got me. I left Konoha."


"Why?" the blonde asked, the sentence repeats on his head like a broken record.

"There were...many reasons." the pinkette sighed, she avoids their gaze.

"Being a ninja didn't suit me, I wanted to leave but you guys wouldn't let me." This time, she looks at the sky, embracing the sunset.

"Something in me said to leave, so I did. I've been travelling alone since."

Both boys couldn't comprehend, their teammate on the other hand...

Could see why her future self chose to leave. Even now, she feels insecure about herself, she's well aware that her teammates are strong. Definitely out of her league.

"And you don't even regret your decision?" The raven boy asked, clenching his fist. He wanted her to say-

"I do. There's not a day where I don't think of them." She chuckles.

"Then go back to the village!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I don't even know if they still care about me."

'But we do.' Sasuke wanted to tell her. 'We always have.'

Yet all he did was stay silent as they continue to look at her.

"The sun's almost down, it's my cue to go." She looks at her past team once more, and smiles.

"Change your future for me, yeah?" a final message to her younger self.

And she disappeared.


Hi! I KNOW it's been long since the last time I updated something, it's been difficult to find the time and motivation to write. Aside from that, I hope you enjoyed reading this ^^

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