Chapter 2 - Hunting Night - The Elf Rescue

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Let's go to one more chapter of this awesome beauty.

Currently, Bell was walking towards the Guild. He studied the entire map of Orario before coming here. He had to know every point where he could make some epic entry when he needed to, like points where he could quickly disappear. He has spared no time in studying this city of adventurers. After all, the more he knows, the better he can improvise at the right times.

He looked at various spots where people were selling food on the street, or spots where people stopped to chat. The city was certainly a lot happier than before. He really wondered if it was possible to change that much in just five years. After all, five years ago he tested himself against the so-called Evilus . Most of them were pretty weak, but there were those who were really worth something.

One of them for example was a man with dark brown hair with gray eyes. He was struggling with someone else. Another was a white-haired woman with different colored eyes. His left eye was gray, while his right was green. She was a very beautiful woman. However, he found her familiar for some reason.

She briefly saw Shadow's strength and was impressed. The person behind the black clothes didn't look more than 10 years old if you considered the size. She then asked if he was a new hero. To which he happily spoke those sentences.

" Hero? No, this job is not for me. I'm just a person who lurks in the shadows and deals with the mess these people called 'heroes' can't handle. I'm Shadow!"

He smiled as he remembered that epic phrase of his. He even saw a surprised look from the woman. She appeared to be with the Evilus , but he didn't care. He had then prepared to leave. However, when he was about to start walking, the woman called him. She asked if he was going to run away because he was afraid of her. He just replied.

"Run away from you? Don't make me laugh. I only deal with real enemies. Not a lady who thinks she's smart at being deceitful."

After saying those sentences he saw how the woman widened her eyes completely. He gave a shout of victory thinking that she had been impressed by his speech. But he had another reason why he hadn't decided to fight her. His time was up and he had to be back soon, so he just made up those phrases at the last minute. It seemed to work since the woman didn't even try to go after him.

The letter he had left for his grandfather that he was going to visit Alpha with Beta. In the letter he said he would be back before six o'clock in the morning. His time was running out at the time, so he had to take care of things quickly and leave.

However, he didn't know that when he said those phrases to the woman, she was totally fascinated by him. Who was that boy? Had he found out she was with the Evilus to test Orario? She had no doubts, after all, he called her a deceiver . If she knew the real reason he did it...

Going back to the present time, Bell had just arrived at the Guild. He then took a breath and put on as innocent a face as he could, and then he opened the Guild doors.


It was late afternoon, after lunchtime, when daily business in the Clan dwindled and officials had little to do. But they were never idle. This would be the time the documents would be detailed, the paperwork would be sorted, and preparations for the night's hustle and bustle would begin. Adventurers invaded this building as soon as the sun began to set, ready to record their discoveries and exchange their magic stones for val.

Eina Tulle was always ahead of the game and had finished her day's work. But as Clan accountant and adventurer's advisor, she would stay and conduct business until the doors closed for the night.

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