Chapter 24

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For a moment, it seemed like time had frozen. No one moved, there was no sound in the room except the constant drone of the flatline.

Then the room suddenly burst into motion. Nurses and a Doctor rushed into the room followed shortly by Scott's mother. Malia just sat on the floor in shock unable to believe that the scene in front of her was really happening.

"Get them out of here" Malia heard someone yell. Melissa started herding the shell-shocked people out of the door. Malia felt someone pick her off the ground and pull her out the door. She twisted and managed to get one quick look at the pale Stiles before her view was obscured by people. She fell against a wall once out in the hall and slid to the floor. She buried her face in her hands and sent out a silent plea to whatever or whoever might be listening to please let him live.

"Please, Stay with me Stiles." She whispered so softly she knew no one else could hear it. Stiles couldn't die, he just couldn't, her entire world would collapse.

Malia could hear muffled yells and noises from inside the room, but she tried to separate herself from them. She felt like her body was an empty shell, she was physically present, but that was all. She couldn't think about anything without it somehow leading back to Stiles, so she instead just focused on the blackness of the back of her eyelids. She stared at it until she felt like it was swallowing her up. Every single second felt like an eternity.



He jumped up as soon as he got his bearings and ran over to his best friend's bed. He put his hand over Stiles', trying to take the pain away, but instead he found that there was no pain. He stared at the face of his lifeless friend, half expecting his eyes to flicker open. This couldn't be happening. He had failed Stiles, his friend was dead and it was all his fault.

Scott felt himself being pulled away from Stiles. He started to yell and protest until his eyes found his mother. She wrapped him in a hug and he felt tears begin to fall.

"Mom..." He choked

"I know honey, but the doctors are going to do everything they can. But we need to clear the room." She pulled back and took his face in her hands. "Scott, do you hear me? We need to get everyone out." He managed to pull himself out of the haze he was in. He was the alpha and he had been given a task.

"Everyone out, give them room." He shouted. He grabbed Liam and pulled him out of the room. Derek pulled Malia up and his mom ushered the rest out. Then she went back inside and closed the door. Scott flinched at the sound of it slamming shut. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. He and Malia were supposed to help lead Stiles out. They were supposed to come back to the real world and see him open up his eyes. Today was the day he was supposed to save Stiles, not lose him forever.

This wasn't what was supposed to happen.


The Sheriff

The atmosphere in the room became steadily more intense when they saw the blood dripping from Malia and Scott's noses. The Sheriff didn't know exactly what it meant, but he knew enough to know that it was nothing good.

"What does it mean?" He said turning to Derek for an answer. The man opened his mouth to respond, but before he could both Malia and Scott fell forcefully to the ground, almost as if they had been pushed. At that exact moment, a long beep filled the room. The Sheriff's stomach dropped, he felt like he had been punched in the gut.

"No" he whispered, it was barely audible over the eternal beep. He stared intently at his son's unmoving chest. Maybe whatever Malia and Scott did would just take a second to kick in. Maybe at any moment Stiles would take in a breath and open his eyes.

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