Chapter 9

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Stiles woke to more water. This time his head was throbbing, but he knew what was happening. He looked around the small room he was in, trying to look for any clues as to where he was, but the plain concrete walls gave nothing away.

“They’re not going to find you.” The same man as before sneered at him. So far Stiles had only seen him, but he knew there had to be more.

“They will find me, and when they do, you’ll be sorry.”

“Ah, but I don’t have to fear for my life now do I? Incorruptible Scott McCall doesn’t kill people, and I’ll bet he has trained his pack to do the same.” Stiles didn’t respond to that, knowing that the man was baiting him and not wanting to give away any information. Instead. he asked a question of his own.

“If you know all about us then why do you need me?”

“Well, you see, Gerard only had bits and pieces of the information, and what he did have came from outside sources. I need to know the inner workings of the pack, its strengths and weaknesses, interpack dynamics, what each and every member is like. You see we didn’t do well enough last time. We didn’t realize that the pack was so split that half the betas would abandon it and their Alpha and run. It’s so unnatural for a wolf to want to leave its pack, and to do so while it is under attack is something that never occurred to us. We can’t afford to make the mistakes this time. No, this time we will do it right, with your help Stiles we will take down the entire pack.

“Oh just shut up, please. I was prepared for torture, but this is just agony.” Stiles lashed out, masking how terrified he was. If the man kept talking about hurting his friends he was going to lose it.

“If it's torture you want, I can give you torture.” Stiles watched in horror as the man turned around and picked up a lighter and a metal rod. “We’ll start with something simple,” the man said as he flicked on the lighter and held it below the end of the rod. “Jordan Parrish, Gerard knew he was supernatural but had no idea what he was. So what is he?”

“We don’t know,” Stiles said giving the truthful answer. But apparently the man didn’t believe him because he stepped closer to Stiles. He brought the rod close to Stiles’ neck. He tried to pull away, but the man grabbed his hair. Stiles could feel the heat coming off of the metal.

“What is he?”

“Okay, wait, stop, we really don’t know, I’m telling the truth, we don’t know.” Stiles bite his lip to keep from crying out as the rod connected to the tender skin on his neck. His body convulsed and twisted, trying to get away from the searing pain. Finally, the man stepped back, the pain lessened slightly as the rod was taken away.

“Want to try that again?” His captor sneered, flicking on the lighter again.

“Look I’m telling you the truth. We don’t know what he is, he doesn’t know what he is, all we know is that he was on the dead pool.” Stiles was sweating now, the sweat trickled down his neck onto his burn, making it sting more than it already did.

“I think you know more than you are saying.” The man stepped forward again, this time he pressed the rod against Stiles’ cut on his forearm. Stiles gasped in pain, he closed his eyes waiting for it to end. He felt a stinging pain against his cheek as the man slapped him. That made his still aching head hurt even more. He opened his eyes and looked down to see that the rod had been taken off his arm. It didn’t feel like it though, his arm still burned like it was still there. “Tell me what you know Stiles.” The man said. Stiles couldn’t help but flinch as he flicked on the lighter.

“I don’t know anything.” He said weakly, then the rod was against his thigh, he watched in horror as his jeans caught on fire. He frantically waved his leg, trying to put it out. The man watched in amusement for a few seconds before throwing some water on it. Stiles sank into the chair, he felt each burn painfully throbbing.

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