Chapter 30

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A/N I am so sorry for not updating! I hope you guys are still with me and can forgive me. I promise that I will never give up on this story, I WILL FINISH IT! I just was dealing with the start of the school year and a new job and all of that good stuff. I will do my very best to update on a more regular basis, please be patient with me and don't give up on me or this story!

I love you all and your votes and comments make my day! Happy Reading!


"Scott, what is happening?" Stiles sat shakily on his bed. He was terrified, he had no idea what was going on, but he knew something was wrong with him. He had a vague sense of Deja vu, but he had no idea where it was coming from. "Scott?" He prodded when his friend said nothing. Scott was standing in the doorway, he took a long look back where they had left his mom and dad and before he stepped into the room.

"You're the one who usually figures this stuff out. Your guess is as good as mine. What do you think is happening?" Scott asked, sitting down on the bed next to him. Scott had asked his advice on solving problems many times before, but this time seemed different. It seemed like Scott knew more than he was letting on. This felt more like a test to see how much Stiles knew. Stiles didn't need to have werewolf smell to know that Scott was anxious and scared. Every time Scott met Stiles' eyes there was fear and a look that bordered on panic.

"I don't know...I'm scared Scott". Stiles didn't know why his friend wasn't telling him what he knew, but he trusted Scott and knew his friend had to have a good reason. Plus talking out loud always helped Stiles' thought process. "Everything suddenly seems so wrong. And I keep getting these nightmares and visions of horrible things happening to me. And they feel like a memory, only they never really happened."

"What do you mean they feel like a memory?"

"They just...they feel familiar. Almost like muscle memory, like my body remembers it happening even though my brain doesn't. I don't know it's hard to describe..." stiles cut off, unable to put the feeling into words.

"No, that makes sense." Scott assured him. He studied Stiles in a way that made Stiles wholly self conscious. He wondered if the stress and exhaustion he was feeling showed on his face.

"Scott, I know that you know something." He finally blurted, unable to stand it anymore.

"What?" Scott looked taken aback.

"I know that you know more about what's going on than you are letting on. I'm your best friend Scott, I know you. And something's wrong. Please if you know what's wrong with me just tell me." Stiles felt panic rising within him again. He closed his eyes and put his face in his hands, hoping to block everything out and calm himself down. He felt a pressure behind his eyes but refused to cry. Stiles jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, but when his best friend's arm went around him he leaned into the embrace.

"Shhh Stiles" Scott whispered. Stiles hadn't even realized that he had let the tears fall. He turned and wrapped both his arms around Scott, who hugged him firmly back. Stiles leaned into Scott's shoulder and allowed himself a few seconds of vulnerability "It's going to be okay." Scott said after a few moments.

"H-how do you know?" Stiles sniffled.

"You trust me right?" Scott asked softly. Stiles pulled back. He looked into the eyes of the person who had been his best friend for most of his life. The person who had saved him time and time again. The person who saved everyone time AND time again. Stiles knew that he would always trust that Scott had his best interest in mind.

"Yes, I trust you." Stiles finally said

"Okay...I need to tell you something, and I need you to hear me out. And I need you to use that big brain of yours to objectively think about what I'm saying." Stiles stomach dropped at Scott's words. Whatever Scott had to say it was going to be bad.

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