Chapter 26

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Remy gripped Olivia's hand tightly. He felt sick to his stomach with the sense of Deja vu. The entire pack, minus Parrish, was once again gathered in Stiles' room. The hospital staff had been reluctant to let them all visit at once considering how unstable Stiles' condition was and a huge number of people would only get in the way, but the staff had agreed because none of them thought Stiles had much time left.

If this plan didn't work, they would all be right. If the Sheriff Stilinski couldn't get through to Stiles, then they were out of options. They would all be forced to stand and watch Stiles suffer, unable to do anything. This plan had to work, it was all they had.

Remy squeezed his sister's hand tighter. If it hurt her, she didn't complain. She would know that Remy needed to support right now. After all, this was all his fault. He was the one who had led his sister and Dawson to Beacon Hills. In his desperation for safety, he hadn't even thought about the danger he was bringing to their doorstep. He should have turned and run when he figured out that the Hunters were following them. He should have tried to lose them before heading to Beacon Hills.

He had been scared and fully unprepared to be in charge of two young werewolves. In his desperation, he had turned to the only person he could think of to help them. The true Alpha who was both kind and fierce. Based on his research, Remy had known that Scott would take them in and protect them. Remy hadn't even given a second thought to the collateral damage. He hadn't even thought about the fact that Scott had a pack of his own and it was that pack that would have to fight the hunters to keep the three omegas safe.

And never in a thousand years would Remy have thought that the collateral damage would include a fragile human who had so quickly carved out a place of fondness inside of Remy. Stiles' sharp wit and talkative nature had quickly won over Remy. In fact, Remy had quickly developed a fondness for the entire pack. He liked the life that they were starting in Beacon Hills. Remy wasn't sure what would happen if Stiles didn't make it. Scott had assured Remy that he didn't blame them for the Hunters and that the three of them were now a permanent part of his pack, but who knows how he would feel if his best friend died. Remy wouldn't blame Scott if he never wanted to look at any of them again. The thought of losing Stiles plus the rest of the pack and it being all his fault was almost too much for Remy to bear.

Sensing his distress, Olivia squeezed his hand and Dawson moved the tiniest bit closer to him. Remy knew better than to reach out to his friend. Dawson was more the suffer alone in silence type. He played everything very close to the vest. That's why Remy was really surprised to see how quickly Dawson had let his guard down around Stiles. After they had gotten over the whole "Hey I'm the werewolf who bit you" weirdness the two had hit it off immediately. Remy suspected that part of the reason Dawson had grown so comfortable around Stiles was his talkativeness. Dawson wasn't much of a talker, and with Stiles he didn't have to be. He could just relax, be himself, and let Stiles run the conversation.

"This better work," Dawson whispered so quietly that Remy could barely hear it. He nodded his head slightly and whispered back,

"It will." Dawson didn't acknowledge him but kept staring at Stiles. Olivia squeezed his hand again and he looked down into the worried face of his little sister. She held his hand in one hand and Liam's in the other, and she was gripping both tightly. "It's gonna be okay Liv" he tried to assure her, squeezing her hand back.

"I know," She said shakily, giving him a small fake smile that didn't reach her eyes. They fell back into silence. Remy caught Liam's eye. The boy looked every bit as young and scared as his sister. Remy turned away, unable to bear the begging look in Liam's eyes. A look begging for everything to be alright like Remy said it would be. Remy couldn't stand letting another person down.

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