Chapter 4

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“I think we scared them off,” Scott said with a smile. Malia gave a sigh of relief.

"Where did those hunters come from?” Liam asked

“They are probably the ones who killed the omega’s pack. I think they probably have been tracking them the whole time. They probably didn’t expect to find us out here.” Isaac said

“They will probably just take some time and regroup. Yes they didn’t expect to find us, but they have attacked a whole pack before, they probably won’t hesitate to do it again.” Scott said with a grimace. Malia noticed he was patting his pockets.

“Did you lose your phone?” Scott met her eye and nodded.

“What time is it?”

“Well past the 15-minute mark,” Kira answered.

“I probably dropped it where the hunters first attacked us.” They all turned back to retrieve it when they heard a blood-curdling scream. “Lydia!” Scott yelled before he broke into a run. The rest of them immediately followed. Malia felt her heart in her throat as she ran as fast as she could. Of course, Stiles had come out here when Scott hadn’t texted. That stupid boy had no idea how fragile he was.

They reached the others quickly. Jordan was going head to head with one of them, and holding his own. Mason was swinging a bat frantically at another and the last was covering its ears as Lydia continued to scream. But where was Stiles? She was momentarily distracted when a roaring sound filled her ears. She covered her ears and fell to her knees. When it stopped she looked up to see Scott, his eyes red and furious. The three omegas were on the ground and shifted back into their human forms. Isaac, Liam, and Jordan pinned them to the ground.

“We’re here to help you,” Scott said, still using his alpha voice. The three omegas stopped struggling and submitted.

“Where’s Stiles?” Malia asked her voice frantic. She heard Lydia let out a soft cry as she pointed. Malia followed where she was pointing and saw a figure crumpled at the base of a tree. Everything slowed down as she ran towards him. She couldn’t lose Stiles.

He was lying on his stomach with his shirt torn and angry scratches covering his back. Malia guessed that he must have been thrown against the tree. She felt along his scalp and her fingers came away wet with blood. She turned him over and let out a cry of pain when she saw the four deep gashes along his chest. Stiles moaned but didn’t open his eyes. His hands fisted in the dirt.

“Stiles? Stiles!” His eyes flickered open slightly at the sound of her voice. Malia took his head in both her hands “Stiles please stay with me.” His eyes closed again and his body went slack. “Stiles! Stay with me Stiles!” Malia yelled, but it was no use. “He passed out.” She said turning to Scott.

“Here help me with him,” Scott said and she helped lift Stiles onto his shoulder.

“His jeep is over there,” Lydia said as she led the way. Malia saw Scott look around at the others.

“Go, we got this,” Isaac said. The omegas were subdued and didn’t look like they would be causing too much trouble.

“Bring them to the loft,” Scott instructed before he turned and followed Lydia. Malia followed them in a trance, unable to focus on anything other than Stiles’ limp arms moving as Scott ran.


“He’s going to be okay,” Melissa McCall assured the group of anxious teenagers. “The scratches on his back are very minor. The ones on his chest were deeper but didn’t hit anything vital. We stitched them up and he should heal fine. He lost a lot of blood and might have a concussion, but we will know more when he wakes up.”

“When will he wake up?” Malia asked. She didn’t know much about human injuries, but the others had relaxed slightly so she took it as good news.

"We have him sedated for now, but he should wake up within the next few hours.”

“Can we see him?” Scott asked. Melissa nodded and they all rushed into his room. Malia felt a slight panic at seeing him lying pale on the bed with machines surrounded him. She immediately went over and took his hand.

“He’s so cold.” She whispered

“Effects of the blood loss,” Lydia said standing next to Malia. The two girls had never had an easy relationship, but Malia smiled at her when Lydia placed an arm around her waist and leaned her head on Malia’s shoulder. “He’s going to be okay Malia.” She assured her.

Scott walked to the other side of the bed and took Stiles’ other hand. The veins in his arm turned black as he gasped. Stiles sighed and relaxed into the bed.

“He’s in pain, but nothing that won’t heal with time,” Scott assured the rest of them. “How are the omegas?”

“Asleep now, Parrish and Isaac are looking after them. The one kept repeating how he sorry he was and that he didn’t know Stiles was just a human.”

“Like knowing would’ve stopped him,” Malia said with malice in her voice.

“Malia, he didn’t mean to,” Scott said to her.

“I know,” She said, her shoulders sagging. She knew all too well how hard it could be to keep control on a full moon. She had killed her entire family; she couldn’t blame this wolf for attacking a perfect stranger.

The door opened and they all looked up to see the Sheriff rush in. He knelt next to his son and brushed his hair back from his forehead. They all headed out of the door to give the Sheriff some time with his son.


Malia must’ve fallen asleep because she woke up to the sound of the Sheriff opening the door. She looked around to see the others sprawled in chairs around her, all fast asleep.

“He’s awake,” The Sheriff whispered to her. She quietly got up and walked into the room. She let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding when she saw Stiles. He was sitting up slightly and looked alert. He smiled when he caught sight of her. She wanted to rush up to him and hug him and kiss him, but she knew that would only cause him pain. So instead she sat in the chair next to his bed and took his hand. She noticed the Sheriff walking out the door to give them privacy.

“Hey you,” Stiles said in a rough voice. Malia brought his hand up to her mouth and kissed it.

“Hey, it’s good to see those beautiful eyes.” Malia tried and failed to keep her voice steady. Stiles reached up and stroked her cheek.

“I’m okay, just a couple of scratches.” He said with a smile. But Malia saw him grimace as he tried to sit up more.


“Okay so maybe they are a bit more than a scratch. But I don’t think he scratched me as deeply as he could have, I think he pulled back at the last second.”

“Like he was fighting for control?” Stiles nodded his head and then winced again. His fingers felt for the cut on the back of his head.

“That stings a bit.” He said settling back into the pillows. His eyes started to drift closed. “What about the others? And the omegas, are they all safe?” He asked with his eyes closed. Malia felt momentary surprise that he cared about the safety of the omegas. Then she reminded herself that Stiles cared about the safety of everyone. He and Scott both went to great lengths to try to protect every single person. She still struggled to grasp this concept. Stiles opened his eyes back up and looked at her with a worried expression, she realized she hadn’t answered his question. 

“Everyone’s safe. The omegas are in Derek’s loft. You were the only one injured.”

“Good…that’s good.” Stiles' eyes closed again and after a few moments his breathing grew heavy, his head fell to the side, and his hand relaxed in hers. She leaned forward and kissed him lightly.

“Sleep well Stiles” She whispered.

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