Chapter 6

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Stiles wrung his hands together as Isaac moved to open the door of the loft. His friend turned to him, his hand on the handle.

“You okay?” Stiles nodded and Isaac yanked open the door. The scene before him looked so average and normal that Stiles felt some of his tension fading away. A girl was sprawled on the floor in front of the television, one boy was sitting on his laptop at the table, and the other boy was lounging on the couch reading a book. When they heard the door open, they all turned to look. The girl on the floor immediately jumped up and rushed over to them.

“Oh thank god, I was going crazy with just these two for company. I love meeting new people. I’m Olivia.” The short, energetic blonde stuck her hand out. Stiles grasped it and shook it. “That’s Remy, and tall, dark, and brooding over there is Dawson.”

“I'm Stiles.” Looking around he saw the boy on the couch, Dawson, watching him tensely.

“Oh you’re the one who Da…”

“Hush Olivia” The one who was sitting at the desk got up and walked over to them. He slung an arm around Olivia who stuck her tongue out at him. “You’re going to have to excuse my little sister. Her mouth gets away from her sometimes.”

“Sister?” Stiles asked, quirking an eyebrow at them.

“Yeah, we were taking a short cut home from school through the woods behind our house when the alpha attacked us” Remy answered Stiles’ unasked question.

“Remy was sent by mom to pick me up from a late night musical rehearsal.”

“We thought we were lucky to escape with a few scratches and bites” Remy gave a short bitter laugh. “Little did we know.”

“He killed our entire family so we’d be forced to join his pack,” Olivia said looking at Stiles’ feet. Remy’s arm tightened around her. Stiles’ heart went out to the two of them, he was slightly amazed at their willingness to tell the story to a complete stranger.

“But we are here now, and Scott’s a true alpha, so I know he’ll be worlds better than our old one,” Remy said with a hopeful smile.

“If he lets us in his pack” Olivia said under her breath. Remy elbowed her. but Stiles laughed.

“If you knew Scott better you would know that he has a compulsive need to help everyone, everywhere, always.” Stiles told them “He’ll let you in his pack.”

“I think he’s waiting to hear from his second.” The boy on the couch finally spoke, although he didn’t look up from his book.

“What’s a second?” Isaac asked

“They’re the Alpha’s second in command. The one they rely most heavily on for advice. That’s you isn’t it?” Remy asked looking at Stiles

“What…me? I don’t know. I mean I’m not a werewolf.”

“From what I’m getting Scott’s pack isn’t exactly normal. Wolves in a pack with humans, a coyote, a fox, a banshee, and a god knows what. I don’t think having a human as a second is all that odd considering. I mean you are his best friend right?”

“Yeah since we were in diapers” Stiles considered it. He liked the idea of being Scott’s second. He really hoped that Scott felt the same way.

“I’m watching Game of Thrones if you want to join,” Olivia said suddenly, breaking the silence that had formed. She returned to her position on the ground and patted the floor next to her. Stiles and Isaac looked at each other and shrugged, then they plopped down next to her. Stiles had never seen the show before and grew restless after half an episode. He had no idea what was going on in it and he didn’t have the mental energy at this present moment to try to figure it out. Plus, he had never been good at staying still for so long. So he got up and wandered around the loft for a bit. It felt weird to be here without Derek or Peter’s presence. Although he had known all along that Peter couldn’t be trusted he had been bummed to see his suspicions confirmed. He would never admit it out loud, but Peter’s knowledge had been an important asset to the group. Plus Stiles couldn’t help but slightly enjoy his sarcasm and witty comments; he enjoyed anyone who had mastered the art of sass.

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