Chapter 13

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Dawson watched as Olivia blatantly flirted with Liam. Any other time he might have found it incredibly amusing and teased her for it, but at this moment he just hoped Scott didn't notice and get angry at them. It was hardly the time to be focusing on little crushes, not when Stiles was missing.

Still, Dawson had to admit that he enjoyed seeing Olivia filled with life again. He hadn't known her that well before they were all bitten. Olivia had only slightly been on his radar because she was related to Remy, and everyone knew who Remy was. He had been one of the most popular kids in school. Dawson's only memories of Olivia were of a cute young girl who was always laughing.

The Olivia he had met after they were bitten was considerably different. He was bitten first so he was already in the pack when they arrived. Over time, the three of them had gotten close, along with a few other teenagers who had been turned. Olivia had gotten back a bit of her sunny disposition and chatter, but it wasn't until they had become a part of Scott's pack that she really seemed happy. Dawson knew they had Liam to thank in part for that, his attention and done wonders for Olivia.

"This is hopeless" Dawson looked up as Isaac threw down his laptop. They had all been searching for hours with no luck. Liam and Mason had returned from Deaton's with no new information, Scott had come back from telling the Sheriff without Malia looking like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, and Lydia had stormed out of the loft a little while ago. Dawson looked around at the hopeless expressions on everyone's faces. They had known searching for Stiles this way was a long shot, but they were all steadily losing faith that they would ever be able to find him.

Dawson could feel the pain coming from every member of Scott's pack, even Remy, Olivia, and himself were in pain over Stiles' kidnapping. They had only known Stiles for a short amount of time, but he had certainly made an impact. Dawson had found his sarcasm and wit utterly amusing, but the best part was that Stiles treated the 3 newcomers no differently than the rest of the pack. He bantered and interacted with them like he had known them for years. The entire pack was civil to them, but Stiles really had accepted them.

"It's not hopeless" Remy spoke up, and Dawson was incredibly glad for him at that moment. Remy was always there to say the right thing to make people feel better, a skill that Dawson did not possess. "We've finished our list of all of the abandoned buildings in Beacon Hills, I know it's a lot but we can split up into pairs and search them. We will find him eventually."

"Remy's right, we can't give up hope, Stiles is counting on us to find him, and we will find him," Scott said. Dawson was in awe of the boy, he had no idea how Scott was holding it all together, but he was. Dawson could see that he was making an honest effort to remain optimistic for his pack, he couldn't let them see him lose hope because then they would as well. It was the Alpha's job to keep up pack morale, it was a hard job and one that was not usually given to a teenager. Scott McCall was an incredible human being.

"Isaac can you help me split the buildings into sections? You know Beacon Hills better than I do." Remy asked, giving Isaac a job to distract him. The tall boy nodded and pulled a seat next to Remy.

"It's not a very solid one, but at least it's a plan," Kira said, "Maybe you should call Lydia and Malia" She suggested to Scott. The boy nodded and took out his phone, but before he could hit a button, the loft door began to open.

Everyone in the room snapped to attention and eyes began to glow. Three unknown figures stepped into the doorway. Dawson remained ready to pounce until he saw the reactions of those around him. Everyone suddenly relaxed, Scott broke into a smile and grasped the hand of one of the men. Isaac threw himself into the arms of the other man who gripped him back tightly.

Dawson quickly figured out that these must be the people who Scott had been calling in for backup. He was wary about new faces, but if Scott trusted them, then so did he.

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