They Don't About Us(Chapter 13)

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People say, we shouldn't be together. We're too young to know about forever. And I say, they don't know what they're talk- talk- talking about.




"Gi--Girl--- GIRLFRIEND!?!?!?" I asked, not sure if it's true or just another prank. "Yeah... why? Didn't they know?" Ed faced Josh. "Gawd, Ed! Can't you keep a secret!?!?!?" Josh faced and bit his lower lip. "Oh! So that was a secret? Now I get it!" He grinned. "Wow... so now, you just realized. Great job!" He said sarcastically. "Well, I didn't know!" He yelled. "Didn't know!!! I was telling it to you back at the car!!!!!! Weren't you paying attention!?!?" He yelled back. "Oh... yeah, I forgot!" Josh face- palmed. and Ed was just like a cute little idiot. I thought he was strict and all but I stand corrected! He is as cute as a baby's butt cheek!!!

 "NO!!! STEFFI!" Shoal shouted from upstairs. Maybe they still weren't done chasing. When I get my hands on that girl oh, I'm gonna-- "STEEEFFFIII!!!" Shoal and Steffi stepped foot in the living room. 

"Hey, Shoal!" Nico shouted. "Come here!!!" Alex continued. 

"Ookay, what?" She sat down with us, waiting for one of us to say something.

"Shoal, it's about--"

 "I can explain it babe... I was just sitting here with no words coming out of my mouth and then Ed was like oh, his GF and I was like, quiet. But he didn't get me. And they were all like That Bitch she didn't tell us! And I was like I am so so so sorry And they were like---" 

"What!!??!! Josh, I don't get you!!!" Shoal sounded confused.

 "Calm down, bro!" Ed said "What Josh was trying to say is---"

"HOW DARE YOU SHOAL! YOU DIDN'T TELL US! HOW DARE YOU!" Nico exploded. No, not literally! 

"WHAT!?!?!? Wait, HUH!?!?!" Shoal asked, still confused.

"Yeah... Well, Nico said--" Before Ed could finish again, Alex interupted.


And that left Shoal's mouth wide open. 

"JOSH! YOU SAID WHAT!?!?!?" Yeah and not only her mouth was left wide open. Also her eyes with both her eyebrows raised. 

"I- I...I can explain!"

"My gawd, no need! Why on earth did you---"

"BITCH!!!!" Steffi shouted as he jumed into Shoal and they started a little catfight.

They were fighting in like 5 mintues. And then on the next 5 minutes they were arguing and shouting.

"NO! You were keeping secrets from me! I though we were bestfriends!!!" Steffi yelled angrily at Shoal.

"It's just one! Come on! Can you please stop being so overly dramatic!" Shoal yelled back.

"Overly drama-- HOW DARE YOU! First, you kept a secret from me. And that was not just an ordinary secret! and two, you said I am overly dramatic!" 

"SEE!?!?! That's an example of overly dramatic!"

"Well, whatever! YOU ARE SO NOT THE BOSS OF ME! You are just a bitch!"

"Stop calling me BITCH okay!?!! I am clearly no a dog!"

"QUIET! BOTH OF YOU!" I finally shouted. They were staring at me. "Can you please stop all of uh, this?!?! Okay, so we now all know that Josh and Shoal are currently dating. So, I agree that let's all plant a seed of hatred to her... Yeah, I totally agree! But let's just understand their hidden relationship. And Shoal..." I turned to her "I hate you... But now, I am very hungry..." 

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