Na Na Na (Chapter 5)

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 We've got a bit of love/hate, you take me to the edge then you hit the brakes. We make up and we break up all the time... We're like na na na.


inside their car....

"Hey guys, we're going to have an after party over the Nandos later wanna come?" Niall offered.

Im still confused with the incidents that happened lately... How did they become their neighbour? How did they get VIP tickets? How did they know each other? How did they become friends? Why am I here? Oh, yeah... because they offered a ride to their house...

Alex, Korina and I won't go straight to our houses. We still need to go to Shoal’s place  because we accepted Niall's offer to Nandos...

We went inside Shoal, Danica, Steffii and Alison's place to rest for like 10  minutes. There's a little problem here............................. Alison doesn't wanna go.

"I might spank Harry, my loves, again. I might kill him this time... I'm afraid I might hurt him.."

"Then why are you mad at him?!?" Danica asked.

""I was just acting... but some of my emotions lately are natural... xD haha!!!! I just want our conversation to be so continuos and long. I don't care if it was chaotic..."

"You're so crazy Alison... Your ways are crazy!"

"yeah... it runs in our blood..."

"haha! oh, well... we better get going. See ya!!!"

Liam texted Shoal and told her that they are all going to the Nandos early so that  they can prepare the tables and orders. So we decided to take a taxi.

           As we stepped outside the house, we saw Harry on a wooden chair near their door. I think he's tweeting. But, wait! Why is he here?!? He's supposed to be with the lads right now.

We decided to ask him why he stayed here....

"Hey Harry, why you here?" I tried to ask him confidently..... though my larynx are going to explode for containing the excitements inside me... I didn't burst them out xD

"Nah! I might see Alison again... She might kill me this time Im afraid... "

[-_-] HARRY'S POV [-_-]

I want to see her again even though she's always noisy and hot- headed. -_- She knows how to start a conversation... But these conversations she makes are chaotic but the same time interesting...

"Nah! I might see Alison again... She might kill me this time. Im afraid... "

Of course I was lying so that I won't sound gay-ish xD LOL

"so... Where is she anyway? Is she in Nandos already?"

"No, she stayed 'cause she's afraid to see you too. She said she might spank you... She doesn't want you to get hurt. And oh.. incase things might happen that is bad to her, protect her ^_^ BYE!"

Then they left...

As soon as their  taxi drove of...

The power's cut... BROWN OUT!!!!

I headed up the terrace and sat on the rocking chair... I refreshed my twitter page...

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