2. why exactly..are you doing this?

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Sunoo wasn't one to question a lot of things that happened in his life, they just usually made sense, unless if it had to do with his best friend, Yang Jungwon.

He couldn't name exactly how he felt at that moment, but one feeling that seemed the clearest was discomfort.

It wasn't as if he was doing anything significant, in fact he was sitting on his usual spot, surrounded by the loud chatter of his peers as they ate.

It wasn't the fact that Riki had suddenly been invited to sit with them, even after he'd messed up one of Jungwon's favourite shirts or the fact that said boy was shamelessly showcasing his body in the hoodie Sunoo had 'lent' him that made him feel that way.

He figured that it was probably the fact that he was speaking so comfortably with the boy he had obviously known longer than him.

What are you up to? he wondered to himself before he tapped Jungwon's shoulder and voiced those very thoughts. He received a confused frown.

"What do you mean?", Sunoo sighed and not-so-subtly gestured toward Riki who was scratching the backside of his neck, "Huh?"

"Nevermind, just continue whatever it is that you're doing, I'm leaving"

"Where are you going?"

"Class, the bell's going to ring in a few seconds", he said as he pointed towards the speakers that were propped up on the very top corner of each wall and as if on cue, they each released a loud siren-like sound.

"Hmm", Jungwon said thoughtfully, "Ni-ki"

"It's actually Rik-"

"I'm aware, I just really like the sound of Ni-ki, it suits you, don't you think?", Sunoo felt uncomfortable again. It wasn't as if Jungwon's attention was addressed to himself but something about the way he leaned into his seat, closer to Riki , his hands accidentally brushing against the other's that was unsettling to him.

"Y-yeah", Riki replied.

"What's your class right now?"

"Actually, I don't have a class, I have one at three so I was planning on going to the dance room for a while", he answered truthfully.

"Great! I'm coming with you"

"You are?!", both Sunoo and Riki asked in shock.

"Yeah, I wanna get to know you better, you're so interesting. I'd like to see what my new friend likes to do"

"N-new friend?"

"Of course! We are friends now, right?", he asked a little confused before he pouted.

"Yes yes! Of course!", Riki panicked, "we're friends"

"You have Biology right now, we'll be late", Sunoo reminded Jungwon seriously.

"I'll skip today, just stall for me, kay? Thanks bestie!", Jungwon gave him no time to reply, instead he grabbed Riki's hand and dragged him out.


"Okay, we're alone now", Sunoo started once he was comfortable on the study desk chair in his room. Jungwon was sprawled against his bed, lazily scrolling through his phone, "What are you up to?"

"What are you even talking about?"

"Jungwonnie, stop playing dumb, why are you suddenly so nice and what are you doing with Riki?"

"Nothing? Can't I make friends?"

"You can but-

"So what's the issue?"

"You're up to something", he started, "and I'm going to figure it out", Jungwon simply rolled his eyes before he sat up.

"I've literally told you not to sleep late. You're being weird", he paused to think for a moment,"Even weirder than your makeup"

"What?!", Sunoo gasped and immediately ran to his mirror.

"You didn't do a great job on covering the dark circles around your eyes"


"What? It's the truth, next time just text me so I do it for you"


"Okay fine, I was kidding", Sunoo relaxed a bit while examining his eyes. He didn't think there was anything wrong with the way he put his makeup on, "just a little though"

"Jungwon!! Firstly, you know I have trouble sleeping. Secondly, what the fuck? That's so mean", he half screamed as he pouted while he let his fingertips poke at his face.

"Whatever", he said as he slowly stood up from Sunoo's bed and walked over to his closet.

Sunoo stared at him for a while, he said nothing as he watched Jungwon rummage through his clothes.

"Put this on", he finally said as he threw a few items of clothing on his bed, "We're going out"

"Where? Plus it's a school night"

"Don't worry, it won't before for long, we're just going to the movies"

Sunoo stayed still as he just watched him. Jungwon looked at him for a bit before he rolled his eyes and chuckled lightly.

"You really think I was serious? Oh my gosh, you should really learn not to listen to things people say. You know I think you're one of the hottest people I know"

"Really?", he perked up.

"Definitely", Jungwon said with a little smile, "Now quickly go change, we should get there early so we get good seats"


10:52/10:52 a.m.

» Any thoughts about Sunoo and Jungwon's friendship.

» Read carefully because this is an important part of the book.

» I meant to update earlier this week but I've been unwell.

» I also meant to update yesterday but I fell asleep in the middle of a sentence.

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