Chapter 18

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Baron Rodrick snatched the wig up from the deck, as if not believing what his eyes were seeing.

"Lacy?" He wondered. "How? What are you doing here?"

His daughter remained silent, still unconscious from whatever treatment the mercenaries had done to her.

Percy's stomach twisted in pain for that poor girl. She had been born to a monstrosity of a father, a fact that she could not change and now had to live with.

That could have been Annabeth, his mind acknowledged. She could have been the one in Lacy's place, hurt and unconscious. The only bit that gave relief to him was knowing that Annabeth was still out there, hopefully safe and far away from these horrid excuses of human beings.

Now that Baron Rodrick didn't have Annabeth, Percy didn't need to hold back. He and his sailors would just have to be careful of Calen and Lacy.

"Plans not going your way?" Percy drawled.

"You fool!" The baron shouted. "This still isn't over. My men have you outnumbered!"

Now that was some truthful facts. The hired men and the baron's soldiers tightened their grips on their weapons, prepared to advance.

"That's true."

Percy's ears perked up at this feminine voice. Could it be? He hadn't heard this voice in over five years.

"Your men outnumber Percy's. But we women outnumber you."

One of the darkly clad mercenaries stepped forward with a sword, quick as a flash and disarmed the mercenary with the arm tattoos. Percy could recognize that blonde hair anywhere, his heart swelling with relief.

"Men, charge!"

Baron Rodrick's soldiers and hired men were thrown into confusion. Many of the hired men (or women?) turned on each other, but Percy's unexpected allies had the element of surprise to their advantage.

Percy swiped at one mercenary with Riptide and smashed the helmet of a soldier with the back swing. He had to get to Annabeth. Sure, she was skilled, but she was basically wearing no armor.

With another two enemies down, he found himself face to face with his wife. He pulled her out of the way just in time before an enemy could slash at her exposed midriff. "I thought I told you to stay out of trouble." His voice cracked, belying the raw anxiety and fear he had when he thought Annabeth had been taken.

"Trouble usually finds me," Annabeth breathed. "Now duck!"

Percy dropped to floor, milliseconds before a sword swept over where his head had been previously. The enemy sword met Annabeth's, and she parried the blade away. Percy rolled out of reach before swiping at the mercenary's kneecaps. The mercenary screamed before falling to the floor.

He was relieved to have her there, safe and sound. But another part of him was somber. This scene of all the deaths was something he never wanted her to see. The first time Percy had killed someone in battle, he had puked his stomach out. Nightmares of his first kill threatened his sleep for years until he managed to defeat those demons. He didn't want Annabeth to be plagued by those night terrors as well.

The two fought back to back, ravaging through the enemies. Within minutes, only a few soldiers and mercenaries were left standing. Perhaps survival instinct took over as the baron's men looked at the piles of their brethren lying on the ship's deck, either dead or injured. The ones left standing quickly surrendered in defeat. They were disarmed and bound with rope.

Percy pulled Annabeth to him for a tight hug. She smelled as wonderful as always, lemony and fresh tinged with the salty breeze of the ocean.

"I got your message." Annabeth held up her hand where her emerald engagement ring was. "Felt it tingle just as we boarded the ship."

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