Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler or any of the characters I use in this Fanfiction.


"Would you say you love me?" Grell was hopeful William would say yes, but the second he asked, he was scared. Scared it was the wrong time.

"Grell...I though I told you this at dinner the other night." Grell's hopes flopped, William wouldn't re-admit it, and he seemed very annoyed by the question.

"I'm sorry Will...I'll stop now." Grell let go of Williams arm, and started to fall behind him, William would glance back every now and then before he finally said something.

"Grell, come here." William stopped walking, and waited for Grell to catch up, again being pushed into an alley way, Grell was confused.

"W-Will? What are you doing?"

"Every time you say my name, I fall in love with you more and more. Every minute I'm working with you, all I can really focus on is you. What you need to understand is I've never been good at loving people. That's why I said I think I love you. Grell, I know how I feel, I just don't know how to show you." At Williams words Grell started to tear up. Quickly the red head covered his mouth in shock, he wanted to cry, and laugh, and scream. William pulled Grell into a hug and sighed before he whispered. "Grell I know I love you...I just suck at showing it."

"William..." Grell moved his hands away from his mouth, and wrapped them around William. He turned his head to the side and placed a light kiss. Something he's been dying to do. Will pulled away slightly to look at Grell, he quickly snapped back into work mode.

"Sutcliff we have one more name today, then it's dinner at my house, I'm cooking this time." Grell laughed a little. "What's so funny?"

"I remembered that time you tried making dinner for that party at HQ, you about burned down the building."

"I've been practicing don't worry." Grell laughed a little more, agreed to dinner, leaving a small kiss on Williams lips. William had the memory of Grell's unique taste, the softness of the other mans lips. Sure it was a short kiss, but it was enough to make him crazy with addiction. Once again the two walking in sync heading to the next house. The shorter man yet again wrapped his arm around the tallers.

"Thank you Will."

"For what exactly?" The darker haired man turned to look down slightly at the blushing other.

"Just for being you."

With Grell's words the conversation died off, both ready to finish their job of the day and get ready for Williams dinner preparation.


A/N: Sorry if this is short >.< I hope it's still enjoyable! :D Thanks for reading, I think it's coming out nicely. Now question, how well do you think Williams dinner will turn out?

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