Chapter 8

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I do not own this anime/manga series. 

And I'm sorry I've been so bad at updating...>.< I've been dealing with some personal things.


Grell walked into the small, and simple home, William leading the way down the small hall. He only stopped to take off his shoes, and the lavish red coat he received the night Ciel and Sebastian figured he and Madam Red were the famous Jack the Ripper. 

"Grell?" William turned to face him, "What's taking you so long?" Grell blushed slightly.

"Sorry my dear, just an old memory." His blush disappeared, and a smile took its place. "An old memory of an guess you could say friend." 

William nodded slightly before changing the topic of conversation. "So you showed up to work on time?"

"Yes...why does that matter now it's-"

"Our day off, and yet, on days you are needed, you're late. Why is that?"

"I'm glad you asked Will!" Grell smiled and walked up to William linking their arms together. "I wanted to see you." 

William looked away slightly. "Why would you want to see me?"

Grell laughed a little and leaned up to him, kissing his cheek. There was a small stain of the light red lipstick he had put on that day. "Why would I not want to see you?" William looked to Grell and smiled a small smile, a rare sight for the work busy man to give. "William you are smiling!~"

"Why would I not? I have you next to me."

"Oh William, you know how to fluster a woman..." Grell blushed slightly and hid his face as best as he could. 

William smiled a little more. "Don't hide. Come on, we can make lunch." Grell moved to take Williams hand, and the two walked to the simplest kitchen possible. 

They made a simple lunch, one that consisted of cucumber sandwiches, a fresh juice, and crackers with cheese. They sat at the table, for a while after they had finished and enjoyed each others company. The Shinigami chattered for hours, going on about work, and other pass times they enjoyed. They also went on about -well Grell went on about- the lack of the beautiful color red in the house. Grell explained how about every inch of his house was cascades by the various shades, but of course had lovely accents placed by them. This conversation grabbed Williams attention making him wonder how many shades of red were there. Let's just say he wanted to say about 50. ((:3)) 

Time flew by like well a fly, before long Grell decided he best be heading home, but he didn't want to leave. "Grell," William started. "Why don't you just stay for dinner." 

"I wouldn't want to over stay my welcome." 

"Grell," William sighed. "It's okay, I'd much prefer dinning with you versus dinning alone." 

"Alright." Grell smiled brightly. "If you insist I stay...would you like help with dinner?" William nodded, and the two were back where they started. Standing side by side attempting to find something to eat. "What sounds good to you?" Grell turned to face William.

"That's a good question...what do I have?" Grell laughed a little at Williams answer.

"Love, how am I suppose to know?" 

"You've been through this kitchen at least fifteen times today."

"William.~" Grell walked to him pouting slightly. "This is you're house..."

William sighed. "I don't know what I have, I don't cook much since I tend to get home late."

Grell kissed Williams cheek. "Well...let's look again..."

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