Chapter 7

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Disclamier: I do not own the characters or the manga/anime Black Butler or Kuroshitsuji.


"William these are the two we couldn't decide on last time, right?"

"Yes, the young man Fredrick J. Thomas."

"And the young lady?"

"Rebecca S. Marie."

"Save the boy, kill the girl. It's as simple as that."

"Grell I said the last time, it's our job to make the right choice." Grell rolled his eyes ad William continued to ramble on and on about the fact Shinigami have so much responseability, and blah, blah, blah, blah. "Grell are you even listening?" Grell turned to look at William, trying to remember when he even looked away.

"Sorry Will, got a little side tracked. Anyway, we decided last time the boy has the most he could offer to the world."

"But women bring life." Grell sighed.

"The report says she never goes to get what she wants, so really...who's to say she will even have children." William stopped Grell for they had reached the house.

"Later, right now we have to decide this guys-"

"Fate? Life."


"What? He's going to be come a doctor or something like that right? They can save lives!"

"Fine, we will spare his life." Grell jumped on the inside, this Fredrick kid owed him, not only that, but he wasn't half bad looking at. To call him major eye candy would take it to far, but wow...

"Next one can we just kill?"

"She might've done something..."

The twoen arrived at the next house within an hour, Grell complaining they even have to work, and William telling him to shut his lip.

"Why can't we just reap her and go home?"

"Grell, for the one thousandth time...we have rules to follow." William checked his notebook and began to read. "From the last time we've looked at this, the list has grown. Rebecca has give money to people of lower class, has been given the choice of marriage, and even began to think of having children."

"Wow...a lot in like what, a week?"

"A little less then that, but yes, a lot has happened." Grell smiled.

"So...can we-"

"No, maybe she should live." Grell lost his smile, and William looked to him. "What if she just has children a little later then normal?"

"You want to save the poor girl, fine, but if we get in trouble it your fault."

"Alright, I'll take the blame. Let's go report no reaping took place, both still alive and well."

—————————————————————————Time skip——————————————————————Later that night, the two went home, sadly making no plans. Grell walked home alone, it seemed hours before he made it back to the little red house he obvioulsy decorated himself. "Boo," He sighed as he closed the door, he walked in and took of his coat setting in on a chair. "I was hoping Will would ask me to come over." He plopped down on a big recliner, fighting the urge to sleep.


William got home and sat at the big table in the center of the dinning room. He cursed a little for not asking Grell to come over. He sat there in the big house alone. "Damn it Grell..." His voice came out breathy and quiet as he looked around. "Why do you make me feel this way...why did I fall in love with you?"

———————————————————————————-Time Skip———————————————————

The two woke up in their own homes, they woke up without each others embrace. The only differance, William knew it was their day off. Grell got up and ready for work, he didn't want to be late and keep William waiting so he rushed out the door, and headed to the HQ. When we arrived he was told by the nice lady who works at the front desk, William wasn't there, and he shouldn't be either. Grell slightly blushed, embarrassed he had forgoten and stormed off to the others house. After a long while he made it and began pounding on the door. "William!" A grouchy man answered the door to the flaming red head, seriously, Grell was flaming with anger.

"What do you want?" William asked coldly, although part of him was happy to see Grell.

"I went to work to try and find you, why didn't you remind me we-" Wiliam kissed Grell softly.

"I'm sorry, it slipped my mind. Want to come in?" Grell nodded, a little shocked by the kiss.


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