In paradise with liam

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Today was the day where Sarah's family went on vacation in Hawaii. Sarah could not contain herself! She was only a 17 year old girl from south Dakota. She was also hoping she would meet her idol Liam Payne while she was there. When they were on the plane Sarah got bored easily and when she gets bored she gets annoying and grumpy. So then and there she started annoying her little brother Jacob at the age of 11.

Jacob got quite annoyed so he said: "stop Sarah! I sometimes wish you never exist!"

This quite hurt Sarah so she just stopped. She started to listen to her one direction music but she didn't know that she was bothering her brother again by singing! And of course you guessed it they had to sit next to each other on the plane!

"Stop singing Sarah! You sound like a dying cat!" Of course little brothers would say that!

Finally the plane touched down and Jacob and Sarah could escape from each other. They drove to their hotel from the airport. They couldn't wait to see their room! They were gonna stay in Hawaii for about a week.

When Sarah was on the beach later she spotted Liam surfing and she was not expecting that! Luckily there were no other fans of one direction there so Sarah held her excitement inside. Liam came out of the water and spotted Sarah in her bikini and walked up to her. By now she was freaking out and having a fan girl attack. Liam came up to her.

"Hey" Liam said as he was still walking to her.
"Um... Hi" Sarah said nervously.
"What's your name?" Liam asked.
"Sarah" she said quietly in amaze.
"Are you a fan of us?" Liam asked wanting to hear yes.
"Yeh who wouldn't like you?" Sarah said.
"Who's your favourite?" Liam asked again!
"I obviously love you my room is full of Liam and Louis posters." Sarah answered.
"That's nice! Do u know why I came up to you?" Liam asked wanting to know.
"no. Why?" Sarah asked.
"Because I thought you looked lonely and needed company and also you look hot" Liam exclaimed.
"Awww thank you for thinking of me! I was hoping you came up to me anyways." Sarah jumped to a conclusion.

After she had that conversation she had to go. Her parents organized something special for every day they were there. On the third or fourth day she was gonna go to a one direction concert and had backstage passes and front row tickets.

The day finally came round and Sarah was excited! The concert had finished and was time for the meet and greet. When she was in the room Liam recognized her right away! He invited her to a special dinner at a hotel pub. Lucky Sarah! She was sure this had never happened before to any other girl.

She went to the pub with Liam a few nights after the concert. She dressed in a coral blue flowey dress. When Liam saw her, he was impressed. Liam was wearing a black tuxedo and a bow tie. The couple looked cute together! When they were at the pub Sarah got the chicken stir fry and Liam got tuna mornay. When they finished Liam got a limo to take him and Sarah to the hotel that Sarah was staying at. When they got there Sarah's family had a lot of questions to ask like

"How was the date?"
"Was it romantic?"
"What did you do with him?"
"Did he sing a song?"
So Sarah just replied with "the date was great nothing fancy schmancy just a quiet dinner and no he did not sing anything to much drama for that." And Liam just agreed.

Then it was time for Liam to go and carry on with his tour. Thankfully Liam had a while in Hawaii and had all that time to spend with Sarah. Sarah enjoyed it too but it was time for her to go home. Sarah will treasure this holiday for as long as she can live.

Yay! Book is done! I'll probably do more fanfics that are different to this anyway I hope you enjoyed this and sorry it's short. The inspiration for this short story was emmaanne19 so thx for the suggestions. In the future look forward to more and exciting and longer fanfics.

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Personal: Chelsea._.rose
Fan page: Harry_ismy_angel
Twitter: c_r_b_12
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Be sure to comment, vote and follow me on here. Enjoy! And bye for now

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