A perfect niall date

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So in this story the main characters are faith, Zoe and Niall.

So faith is a you tuber and does a collab with Zoella and Niall comments on the video Faith and Zoe did together about Faith and all good things about her and Faith gets really starstruck because her and Zoe are one direction fans and Niall is her favorite.

So now I will let you read the actual story.
*Faiths pov*

"Ok hello the wonderful world of YouTube! Today I'm am joined with the one and only Zoella!" I introed my video.
"Hello!" Zoe said.
"So Zoe what are we doing today?" I asked her.
"We are doing chubby bunny!" Zoe said enthusiastically.
"So here are our marshmallows" I said, they were medium sized.

So we finished doing the chubby bunny I got 5 marshmallows and Zoe got 3.

"We also filmed a video on my channel, we did the salt and ice challenge didn't we faith?" Zoe said.
"Yes we did Zoe. I'll put the link in the link In the description box down bellow and also on the end card." I explained.
"And please give this a thumbs up on this video and subscribe to me." I added.

So we finished that video and then we filmed on Zoe's channel the video went well but after the video both me and Zoe had blisters on our hands and man it really did hurt!

So after we uploaded both of our videos loads of views and comments kept popping up and on my video Niall horan commented on it! It read:

"Hi faith you look gorgeous and so does Zoe! But I think your the cutest! So for a while I've been viewing your channel and it seems you've revieled a lot about yourself. And I think we should keep in touch with twitter and Instagram and email so I would love to get those details! If I could get them. I just love your channel and you! It would be great if I could get a comment back or response video! So that's all from me XX Niall."

"Omg omg omg Niall horan just commented on my video!" I started hyperventilating.

I responded back with:

"I'll DM you on twitter I'll tell you the details there."

So I direct messaged him telling him every thing he needed to know.

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