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she had never seen the chamber so empty.

although there was no draft, the damp cold lingered and was amplified by the vast emptiness. it reminded her of a vacuum, as she could not even hear the sound of her own breathing - the only sign of it being the clouds that misted in front of her face.

she folds her porcelain hands over her velvet cloak despite the fact that there was no longer a need for anonymity, as there was not a soul to remain anonymous to; her hood was drawn securely over her thick sable braid nonetheless. her luminescent silver eyes flashed between the empty wooden chairs as the ivy already inched forward to claim them for the earth.

she was about to leave, her sigh clouding in the stale air, when the desolate crystal ball flickered to life. she felt a drop of pity as dionysus, who once laughed with her, disappeared into nothingness and the group of boys huddled around where he'd staggered suddenly expanding by two. she was statuesque as the show finally reached the end and the crimson curtain fell, the crystal ball fading to a decrepit black. she continued to stare at it, half-expecting the bellows and taunts of her fellow council to follow, calling the god of wine and theatre a 'failure' and a 'damn drunkard'.

but there was none.

she slowly rises from her seat. delicate hands fold her hood down to the nape of her neck, finally exposing her angular features;  a reminiscent aquiline nose, now slightly upturned at the end, high cheekbones and lips drawn into a tight, unsmiling line. her braid shortens and darkens to a midnight mass of loose curls resting in the middle of her chest. she produces a string of pearls from beneath the sea of velvet fabric and gently clasps them around her neck, allowing her hands to smooth over her collarbone once more before falling limply at her side.

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