Meet Y/N And Mateo!

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Before we begin this chapter, I would like to tell you that this chapter is going to be more of an introduction of some of the characters rather than an actual chapter to the story.  I hope you enjoy the story!

FanArtBoi's POV (Me)

"Are you ready to meet a couple of the characters?"  "Hells Yeah!", y'all say.  "Good, because you were gonna meet them whether you liked it or not." Long awkward pause.  "..."  "You gonna tell us?", y'all say.  "God dammit why'd you have to ruin the intense moment?  Hmph..." I cross my arms and pout.  "Sorry...", one of y'all say.  "Nah, we chill.", I ruffle that person's hair.  "Onto the introduction of a couple of the characters!"

"First up is..."  Drum roll.  "Mateo!"  "Hi...", Mateo says shyly.  "Why are ya nervous Mateo?"  "I'm afraid they're not gonna like me...", he looks at the ground and sighs sadly.  "They're gonna love you Mateo, but probably gonna hate me in a couple of chapters!..." "Don't spoil it!", shouts Mateo.  "Oh, thanks for catching me before I accidentally tell them the future, Mateo."  "No problem", he says smiling.  "Why don't you tell the readers about yourself?"  "O-okay!...", Mateo answers.

Mateo's POV

"O-okay you've got this...", I encourage myself.  I then take a deep breath.  "Hi everyone, my name is Mateo, I am 16 years old, my birthday is February 20th 2006, my gender is male, and I have an older sister who you will meet soon."

FanArtBoi's POV

"Y'all will learn more about Mateo throughout the book."  Mateo leaves the room.  "The next and last person is..."  Drum roll.  "Y/N!"  Y/N walks into the room.  "It's time to get to know a little bit about your character."


"Hey my name is Y/N, but of course you already know that."  I take a deep breath.  "I am 17 years old, my birthday is August 10th 2004, my gender is female, and I have a younger brother named Mateo."  I smile gently.

FanArtBoi's POV

"You will learn more about yourself throughout the book."  Y/N leaves the room.  "You will have the opportunity to learn more about me in some of the A/Ns or you can message me any questions you have."  I leave the room.


I just wanted to say that this chapter is going to be published on my favourite little brother's birthday!  Happy birthday little bro!  I hope you enjoy the story!

February 20th 2022

10:09 AM

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