Sending Mateo Away...

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It's finally here y'all! The chapter that's gonna make you hate me...;-; On that note, on to the chapter!!!

With Cory And Mateo Before Joseph Attacked Y/N

Mateo's POV

Cory and I are walking to his house while chatting. "I'm gonna text Y/N to see how she's doing." Cory answers with a nod, he knows how much I worry about Y/N. I reach into my back pocket to grab my phone. "What the-!" I pat my back pocket. I check all of my pockets. I start to panic. "You okay, Mateo?", Cory asks me. "I think I dropped my phone...", my voice cracks. "No worries. Let's retrace our steps and look for it as we walk.", he says calmly. "O-okay..." We retrace our steps.

Cory's POV

We check everywhere we walked and Mateo's eyes are starting to tear up. I grab Mateo's arm gently and pull him into a hug. I hear him gasp tensing his body up. He slowly relaxes and hugs me back. I rub comforting circles on his back with my right hand. "Everything is going to be okay, Mateo." I look down at him, pulling away from the hug slightly. Mateo looks up at me tears falling down his face. I gently cup his cheek with my left hand. He closes his eyes and leans softly into my hand. I feel my heart flutter and my face heat up. 'I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna show him my true feelings for him and if he doesn't like it, welp, then I'm screwed. Here I go.' I lean in slowly towards Mateo, gently lifting his chin.

Mateo's POV

I feel Cory gently lift my chin, but I think nothing of it. I feel a pair of soft gentle lips connect with mine. My eyes shoot open in surprise. When I open my eyes, I see the person who is kissing me, is none other than Cory my best friend and crush. My eyes slide closed and I slowly wrap my arms around his neck.

Cory's POV

I feel a pair of arms wrap themselves gently around my neck. I feel my face heat up again. Then it happened... 'Mateo kissed me back!' I pull him closer and deepen the kiss. I slowly break the kiss and open my eyes. Mateo looks into my eyes, smiling. "Took you long enough...", he says softly. 'I feel like my face is on fire! I'm blushing so hard, I probably look like a tomato right now.' Mateo laughs quietly. 'God, he's adorable.'

Mateo's POV

'Oh! My! Gosh! Cory's face looks like it's about to catch on fire, it's so red!' "M-Mateo?", Cory stammers. "Yes, Cory?" He takes a deep breath. "W-will you be my boyfriend?", he says gaining confidence. "Yes!" I hug him tightly and start to cry tears of joy. I feel him hug me back and softly kiss the top of my head. I pull away from the hug. "I love you, Cory..." He smiles. "I love you too, Mateo...", he says softly.

Cory's POV

"Now, let's go find that phone of yours... I think, I might know where you left it..."

Time Skip

Mateo's POV

Cory and I hold hands as we walk back to my house to look for my phone. "You sure it's at my house?" I look at Cory. "Yup.", he answers. "Alright... If you're sure..." Cory chuckles. "It's definitely there.", he says with a small smile. We walk up to the front door and Cory lets go of my hand to open it.

Cory's POV

I let go of Mateo's hand and open the door. I spot his phone on the floor in front of the couch. "Found it.", I say quietly. We both walk inside and I close the door once Mateo is out of the way. Mateo walks over to his phone and picks it up. "Got it.", he says quietly. I give him a thumbs up. "I'm gonna go check on Y/N for you, aight?" I give him a gentle smile. "Okay.", he says. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and then walk off towards the hallway.

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