Abusive Step Father...

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Woo hoo! Chapter three! Warning, strong language! I have no idea what to say and feel super dumb right now. I'm dying inside ;-; ... Anyway... On to the chapter!!!


It's been about three days since Mateo's birthday, which means school's almost back in session. "Yay...", I whisper sarcastically. My stomach growls intensely at me and I sigh. I search through my favorite brown leather satchel for something to snack on. I'm able to find a snack sized bag of Blue Heat Takis. I sigh in relief when I find the bag of chips. I devour the Takis without even stopping to take a breather, I haven't eaten since Mateo's birthday and I'm so hungry. Joseph and I had made a truce not to fight on Mateo's birthday. Joseph is my step father and he's not a great one either. In fact he's an awful step father. He's abusive, physically and verbally. He's the worst person I've ever met. I yawn, throw out the empty chip bag, hang up my satchel on the side of my bed, and get under the covers, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

Joseph's POV

I'm making ham sandwiches for Mateo and I, because I know Y/N can't eat pig meat. She's allergic to it and can't stand the smell or taste of it. I smirk to myself and then bring Mateo's sandwich to his spot at the dinning room table. 'God being nice to Y/N on Mateo's birthday was torture, but Mateo deserves a good birthday unlike his older sister. I think I might knock a little sense into her after lunch.' , I think to myself. I chuckle evilly and then set my sandwich down at my seat. I walk to Mateo's room and knock on the door.

Mateo's POV

I'm chatting with Cory through text messenger, when I hear a knock on the door. I stand up and walk over to the door.

Me: Hold up a minute someone's knocking

My Hot Bro: Aight I have to go eat lunch anyway, I'll ttyl

Me: Okay bye!

My Hot Bro: Bye

I turn off my phone and put it in my back pants pocket. I take a deep breath and open the door. "Oh, hey Joseph.", I smile at him. he smiles back at me. "Lunch is ready and on the table.", he says. "Thanks Joseph, I'm starving..." He chuckles. I follow him to the dinning room and sit down in my favorite spot at the table. I'm the only one that sits here anyway. My mind wanders while I eat.

Joseph's POV

I eat my ham sandwich and start to plan how I'm gonna knock some sense into Y/N. I look over at Mateo, he seems to be lost in his own world. 'Maybe I should start up a conversation with Mateo...', I think to myself. "So Mateo... How has your day been so far?" Mateo snaps out of his daze. "What?", he asks. "I said, how has your day been so far?", I repeat. "Oh... It's been good, how about yours?", he says with a nod. "It's been alright, thanks for asking." There's a long awkward silence. "So... What are you planning to do after lunch?" I wait for Mateo to answer. "I'm not sure y-", Mateo gets interrupted by a small ding.

Mateo's POV

I take my phone out of my back pocket and open my text messager app to see who texted me.

My Hot Bro: Hey, Mateo... You wanna hangout at my place?

Me: Sure!

My Hot Bro: I'll pick you up in 20

Me: Alright! Lemme check with Joseph first

My Hot Bro: Aight

"Hey Joseph?" Joseph looks at me. "What's up?", he asks. "Can I hangout with Cory at his place today?" I watch Joseph with anticipation. "Sure.", he answers. "Yes! Thanks Joseph!", I pump my fist. "No problem.", he chuckles. I smile brightly.

Me: He says it's fine

My Hot Bro: Great! I'll see you in twenty

Me: Alright, cya soon

My Hot Bro: Cya

I turn off my phone and put it in my back pocket. "He'll be here in twenty minutes." Joseph nods slowly. "You better finish eating then. You don't wanna keep him waiting, do you?", he answers. I shake my head and pick up my sandwich.

No One's POV

Joseph and Mateo sit at the table in silence as they finish their food. It's so quiet in the house that you could hear a pin drop. Mateo finishes his sandwich and the washes his plate with a big grin on his face.

Time Skip

Cory's POV

I walk up Mateo's driveway and take a deep breath. I reach the front door and knock three times. Knock. Knock. Knock. "Coming!", I hear someone yell from inside the house. I wait impatiently, tapping my foot on the welcome mat. I watch the door with anticipation. The door opens and I'm greeted with Mateo's beautiful smile. I feel my heart flutter. "You ready to go?" God his smile is contagious. "Yup!", he chirps. "Well, then... Let's go!" We walk to my house chatting along the way.

Joseph's POV

I grin when Mateo and Cory are out of sight. "Time to knock a little sense into Y/N." I walk over to Y/N's room and and go inside without knocking. I walk over to Y/N's sleeping body. I grab her right arm and yank her out of bed, throwing her against the wall. "Wake up you little Bitch!"


I wake up with an unpleasant slam against the wall. "Wake up you little Bitch!", I hear Joseph scream loudly. I slowly sit up. I groan and put a hand on my left shoulder. 'Fuck, my shoulder hurts like hell!' I remove my hand from my shoulder. I look at my hand and my eyes widen. 'Blood?!', I yell in my head. "Stand Up Now!", Joseph commands. I slowly stand up and grimace from the sting of my injured shoulder. "Look at me!", he growls. I look up at Joseph with fear. He punches the left part of my jaw really hard. I yelp in pain. Joseph then grabs my neck with both hands and starts to choke me. I try to get his hands off my neck. "P-please... J-Joseph... S-stop...", I beg. Joseph grins evilly. "No!", he says. Everything goes black.

Joseph's POV

I drop Y/N's limp body and kick her right leg a few times, with a smirk on my face. "Don't worry Y/N it'll all be over soon." I turn to leave Y/N's room but come face to face with someone I didn't expect to be here.


Mwahahahaha! I feel so evil right now. I personally hate cliffhangers myself, which makes it all the more fun to do it to others. Who do you think was standing there? Will I tell you next chapter? You'll just have to wait and see! Anyway, that's it for this chapter, cya in the next one!

March 15th 2022

4:50 Pm

Heartache Bendy X Abused Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now