How It All Started

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A/N: Before you begin reading. This is a made up story, of course, so do NOT tell me if they don't do this or they do that, or they would never do that, they always do this, or they hate this or they like this. I'm sure you get my point, so please do NOT comment that shit. I'm just making shit up. This is just for you all to enjoy. I hope you guys love, or like whatever haha, this story and if not then I'm sorry. xD I'm not the best writer, I know. I love you all!<3 That is all. I'll stop wasting your time so you guys can start reading. xD lol


It's been months since me and my dad had that fight. When he kicked me out and I've been living on the streets. Oh, sorry. I haven't fully introduced myself. I'm Snow. Yes that is my real name. I was born in December, and my mom loved snow. So I guess she just named me Snow. I don't know. My mom died a few years ago, and dad blamed me. He's abused me over it. He just hates me. I am twenty years young. I know. I could of moved out and get a job, but my dad wouldn't let me. A cashier or working at a restaurant won't be getting me a house either. So what's the point. He wouldn't let me do anything. If I tried or disobeyed him he would of hurt me. I was a slave to him. I didn't go to school either. He wouldn't let me. He hardly fed me to. Only enough to keep me alive.

I have to be honest here. I rather live on these streets then ever live back in that house with him. Its like hell there. I walked down the streets. I cut through an ally behind a dinner. The head chef was like a friend to me. She always fed me. I was thankful for that. I sat against the wall and waited for her to open the door and give me a plate of food. I felt bad taking food from people, but I was starving.

A few seconds later she came out with a smile on her face. She gave me a plate of spaghetti. I smiled at her. "Thank you so much." She smiled back. "No problem dear. Enjoy." I saw she felt bad for me in her eyes. She walked back in.

I happily ate the delicious spaghetti. How did my life get so fucked up. I wish mother didn't have to die. Everything was right when she was here. We were just a huge happy family. Father actually loved me. He would of never hurt me. I was going to school, and everything. I was a normal teen. A loved daughter. One day I was loved. Not hated. Some how it all changed. Happiness and love turned to sadness and hatred.

I felt tears go down my cheeks. I shivered when I felt the cold breeze. I looked up. It was starting to get dark. I finished the food, and stood up. I started walking back to where I had a box and a blanket. Sad isn't it. Living in a damn box, cause your dad hates you. My life is ruined. I just wish someone would help me. God. Anyone. I can't live like this. It's torture. I don't know what's worse now. I know I said I rather live on the streets then with my dad, but sometimes I don't know.

I walked down an ally where I usually stay, but this time it was different. Someone had been here, but who?


How is it so far? I hope you like it(:




Shy Skeleton xx

A Girl Named Snow (A Chris Motionless Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now