That Man Again

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"You guys are so slow!" I heard Ryan yell from downstairs. We all were getting ready to go to a night club. Its been a couple of days since I've been here. Chris came in slightly knocking on my door. I turned around. "Yeah?" I asked smiling a little. "Are you ready?" He asked with a smile. I nodded. I walked out of the room with Chris by my side.

We walked downstairs where the rest of the band waits for Angelo. He came running down the stairs and tripped and fell at the last step with his pants around his ankles. We all laughed at him. Living with these boys you don't know what would happen next. I loved it. "I'm okay!" He yelled getting up pulling his pants up. "I'm getting laid tonight!" Ryan yelled while running out the door. I couldn't help, but laugh. "With your mom!" Joshua yelled chasing after him. I smiled. These guys always crack me up.

Ricky, Chris and I were the last ones out the door. Ricky Horror. Never thought I would see him this close. Never thought I would see any of them this close, but here I am. Living in a house with them now. Never going to know what they're going to say or do next. It's crazy. It's like a perverted circus. Yep. That's what it reminds me of. That's exactly what it reminds me of. It's hilarious!

We got in the car. "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Ryan kept repeating jumping up and down like a little kid. I leaned over to Chris. "Is he always like this?" I whispered giggling a little. Chris nodded. "Yes. All the time." He smiled like it was nothing new. I felt Ricky put his arm around my shoulders. I looked over at him. He smiled at me. "What?" I asked him with a slight smile on my face. He shook his head. "Oh, nothing." He said smiling, and looking over at Chris. Chris glared at him. He didn't act like he was to happy that his arm was on my shoulders, but why? He couldn't be jealous. Could he?

We finally arrived at the night club. I heard music come from inside the large dark building. There was a line that stood outside the door, and a large man with a clip board. "I'm sorry. You should of called earlier, and this girl is to young anyways. Now leave." The big man said. "Oh hey Chris!" He said with a smile. "Hey Joe!" Chris said back with a smile. I'm guessing they know each other, and that they come hear a lot. I looked over at Ryan. He looked like he couldn't wait another second to get in there. I laughed. He looked over at me and laughed to.

"Who is she?" I heard the man, Joe I'm guessing, ask referring to me. I looked at him. "This is our new friend Snow. She's going to be with all of us for now on." Chris explained. I smiled at the thought. Living with them. Touring with them. I loved the thought. The man, well Joe, let us pass. The line wasn't to happy with that though. Probably cause they have been standing out there for a while just waiting to get in. Ryan practically rapped us trying to get in. I laughed.

The music filled my ears. Lights were flashing making everything in slow motion. People dancing on each other, drinking, smoking weed. I could smell it. I slowly drunk the beer that was in my hand.

I watched as everyone danced and have a good time. I scanned through the crowd looking for the boys. I saw Ryan making out with two chicks. I smirked. Looked to my right to see Ricky, Angelo, and Joshua dancing with chicks, smoking, and drinking. I continued to look through the crowd. I couldn't find Chris anywhere. Where was he? Probably with some chick. I hated the thought. Why did I hate the thought? Was it jealousy? No. Why would I be jealous? We're all just friends. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I looked over to a couch. That's where I found Chris. He was staring at me. Our eyes meet eye contact. I couldn't manage to pull my eyes away from his. It was kinda awkward. He slightly smiled at me. I smiled back.

I felt someone breathing down the back of my neck. "What are you doing here worthless little faggot." A deep, familiar voice said from behind. I know that voice. Please god don't tell me it's who I think it is. Why? Why here? Why now? I turned around to see that guy from the other night. I didn't see what the man looked like, but I recognized the voice.

"Is there a problem here?" I heard Chris's voice behind me. The man looked over my shoulder. "Nothing of your concern." The man glared at him. Chris wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me close to him. "It is." He said harshly. The man got closer to my face. "I'll be back." He hissed in my face.

Chris pulled me away from him getting in his face. "Way to close." He spat.


Hoped you liked it ;D




Shy Skeleton xx

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